Turns out hes a troll, that picture is something he trolled someone with a long time ago, he enjoys making people angry in the community, he did help me when I was down though. But hes the type of guy that is nice nice nice then he gets his hits in, denies it goes back to being nice to fool you before getting more hits in. The being nice allows him to get more anger out of you than if he was just plain mean its also a way of being deceptive ie to fool people into thinking hes a good guy.
I was wrong hes an emotional vampire! Im not annoyed with him or anything this isn't an attack, its the truth, ive delt with some nasty toxic people in my time im getting good at spotting them, they use kindness and empathy as a deceptive weapon these types!
He will deny it and protest innocence but that very picture in his avatar is all the evidence you need, that's a troll job hes very proud of in the past,. (mainly a funny one that isn't very abusive granted) I don't want to break the rules but I thought it was important to not mislead people into thinking he was a good guy I was wrong I was fooled, I don't want people to be victimised by him because of my thread, where I got it wrong!
BlySY I have no problem with you but I do care about other people, and don't want them to get victimised by you (especially because of my thread) because you are down or something over your life circumstances, its not their fault you are angry or have an injury from judo that's messed your life up, so they don't deserve the abuse.