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  1. maximo


    hahaha!!! i swear on my kids head ,it never was my intention, im not kidding or lying , seriously im so sorry again thanks !!
  2. maximo


    seriously i wouldnt never have done that if i knew u were still playing, its just a good nickname , remembered me of paper i used when i was much younger thats all lol i apologize for that my mistake
  3. maximo


    omg i was not impersonating anyone seriously, i didnt know u were still playing before i came here to post my banned question, sorry about that was not my intention to pretend im you, i really did not think of you at all at that moment sorry again.... is it possible to lift the ban? i ll stick to 1 nickname from now on
  4. hi all i ve been banned for almost a week on cncnet cant play anymore. posted 2 topic here already , no real answer so far , so please could anyone tell me why and for how long? or just discuss the problem with me , i ll be glad to resolve the problem is there an administrator i can talk to? thank you
  5. Hi everyone i would like to know your tought about thisis there a way to play this game for money, would make it real interesting and make a lot of new people come in and they would do everything to get better, make an escrow service use paypal or btc or cc to load up account, even for a buck, do clan match for 10$ any amount is fine with me i think it would make the game a lot better, i would feel like playing a lot more , now the biggest challange is tryiing not to vomit when the only available games are rekool red zone and other map like these share your opinion about this thank you
  6. You are proving me right with your answer, but i do understand your point ,its nice to have a great game without being call a cheater or any other thing but the problem with cncnet is , you can change your nickname everytime you log in , so it impossible to know whos good , noob or pro,, i mean cncnet should change this and allow one nickname only, so everyone would know whos who and what, and it would create more rivalry,now there is almost no rivalry the guy lose one game, log out and log in, no point of getting better for some, if you cant change your nickname the need to get better will improve for some of them
  7. hi, im kind of late to answer on the noobs topic but one thing is , i see noob joining good player hosting game and they ask, are you noob, the guys goes like yea well hmmm and they kick him how do you want them to improve if you dont let them play ??? i ve been playing for 15 years, yes i prefer to play againts vets , but hey we all started somewhere , so i let them join my game without asking question, if they want or need my help i play games with them , show them a good starting BO, you want good noob , be a good vet, they will become better, love the game more, get better and bring more people into the game
  8. hi , yes there is the screenshot its for yuris revenge thank you
  9. hi everytime i try to logging to cncnet its says you re banned i would like to know why and for how long ?? if anyone can contact me i would be please to resolve the situation thank a lot
  10. maximo

    ive been banned

    Hi i ve been banned from yuris revenge i would like to know why and for how long? i have not receive any email to explain me why, anyone can help? thank you
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