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Everything posted by marioeknecht

  1. shot in the dark ... Do you have the latest DirectX versions installed? Maybe you need to reinstall something there?
  2. I'd like to add that I've tried using the search function ... I get no results regarding this error. Is it broken? ### here's the log file output (I just found that too ; ) ) ### 28.04. 06:00:12.079 ***Logfile for Yuri's Revenge client*** 28.04. 06:00:12.094 Client version: 28.04. 06:00:12.095 Loading settings. 28.04. 06:00:12.175 Initializing updater. 28.04. 06:00:12.178 Update mirror count: 1 28.04. 06:00:12.178 Running from: clientdx.exe 28.04. 06:00:12.178 Operating system: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 28.04. 06:00:12.178 Selected OS profile: WIN7 28.04. 06:00:12.179 Removing partial custom component downloads. 28.04. 06:00:12.180 Checking for the existence of FinalSun.ini. 28.04. 06:00:12.180 FinalSun.ini doesn't exist - writing default settings. 28.04. 06:00:12.180 An exception occured while checking the existence of FinalSun settings 28.04. 06:00:12.181 Writing installation path to the Windows registry. 28.04. 06:00:12.622 Initializing GameClass. 28.04. 06:00:12.853 InitGraphicsMode: 1600x900 28.04. 06:00:12.959 Checking local file versions. 28.04. 06:00:12.966 Loading maps. 28.04. 06:00:13.582 Hardware info: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3230M CPU @ 2.60GHz (2 cores) Video controller: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 28.04. 06:00:13.964 Map Maps\Yuri's Revenge\mag doesn't exist! 28.04. 06:00:14.155 Map Maps\Yuri's Revenge\clover doesn't exist! 28.04. 06:00:14.313 Map Maps\Yuri's Revenge\hexbay doesn't exist! 28.04. 06:00:15.056 MapSharer: PREVIEW PATH: Maps\Custom\63897d11c93be002b325e92ea67a307fe2dca227.png 28.04. 06:00:15.086 at ‪‪‪‍‬‫‬‮‎‎‭‏‫‏‮‏‭‪‪‎‬‮‪‮.‎‍‭‮‬‭‪‫‫‏‫‌‪‮‍‭‌‮‫‫‭‌‮‎‌‍‫‮(IniFile , Int32 ) at ‪‪‪‍‬‫‬‮‎‎‭‏‫‏‮‏‭‪‪‎‬‮‪‮.‭‏‌‍‭‍‭‍‬‬‮‍‍‮‮‪‬‪‎‫‭‌‮‍‮() 28.04. 06:00:15.108 MapSharer: PREVIEW PATH: Maps\Custom\8297f789f566546c85304cc0a27c1d90825a5786.png 28.04. 06:00:15.114 at ‪‪‪‍‬‫‬‮‎‎‭‏‫‏‮‏‭‪‪‎‬‮‪‮.‎‍‭‮‬‭‪‫‫‏‫‌‪‮‍‭‌‮‫‫‭‌‮‎‌‍‫‮(IniFile , Int32 ) at ‪‪‪‍‬‫‬‮‎‎‭‏‫‏‮‏‭‪‪‎‬‮‪‮.‭‏‌‍‭‍‭‍‬‬‮‍‍‮‮‪‬‪‎‫‭‌‮‍‮() 28.04. 06:00:15.119 MapSharer: PREVIEW PATH: Maps\Custom\fc232662b18a7b47256192f11e3a568f9fabff47.png 28.04. 06:00:15.120 at ‪‪‪‍‬‫‬‮‎‎‭‏‫‏‮‏‭‪‪‎‬‮‪‮.‎‍‭‮‬‭‪‫‫‏‫‌‪‮‍‭‌‮‫‫‭‌‮‎‌‍‫‮(IniFile , Int32 ) at ‪‪‪‍‬‫‬‮‎‎‭‏‫‏‮‏‭‪‪‎‬‮‪‮.‭‏‌‍‭‍‭‍‬‬‮‍‍‮‮‪‬‪‎‫‭‌‮‍‮() 28.04. 06:00:15.512 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! MainMenu\button.wav 28.04. 06:00:15.518 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! MainMenu\button.wav 28.04. 06:00:15.526 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! MainMenu\button.wav 28.04. 06:00:15.533 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! MainMenu\button.wav 28.04. 06:00:15.539 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! MainMenu\button.wav 28.04. 06:00:15.545 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! MainMenu\button.wav 28.04. 06:00:15.551 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! MainMenu\button.wav 28.04. 06:00:15.556 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! MainMenu\button.wav 28.04. 06:00:15.563 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! MainMenu\button.wav 28.04. 06:00:15.569 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! MainMenu\button.wav 28.04. 06:00:15.575 AssetLoader.LoadSound: Sound not found! MainMenu\button.wav 28.04. 06:00:15.768 KABOOOOOOM!!! Info: 28.04. 06:00:15.768 Message: Input string was not in a correct format. 28.04. 06:00:15.770 Source: mscorlib 28.04. 06:00:15.771 TargetSite.Name: StringToNumber 28.04. 06:00:15.771 Stacktrace: at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal) at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info) at System.Int32.Parse(String s) at Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAControl.ParseAttributeFromINI(IniFile iniFile, String key, String value) at Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAPanel.ParseAttributeFromINI(IniFile iniFile, String key, String value) at ClientGUI.XNAExtraPanel.ParseAttributeFromINI(IniFile iniFile, String key, String value) at Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAControl.GetAttributes(IniFile iniFile) at ClientGUI.XNAWindow.GetINIAttributes(IniFile iniFile) at ClientGUI.XNAWindow.SetAttributesFromIni() at ‪‏‌‌‫‮‮‏‎‎‫‮‮‭‬‎‫‏‍‍‫‍‮‮‬‌‎‍‍‭‍‮.‍‪‪‎‫‎‮‫‫‫‍‪‭‮‬‎‎‏‭‎‮‍‮() at Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAControl.AddChild(XNAControl child) at ‫‍‎‪‏‌‏‪‫‌‏‪‍‫‏‪‏‭‫‫‬‮.‍‪‪‎‫‎‮‫‫‫‍‪‭‮‬‎‎‏‭‎‮‍‮() at Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAControl.AddChild(XNAControl child) at ‬‬‪‮‌‮‭‌‌‍‏‌‬‪‌‫‪‎‫‍‎‪‮.‍‪‪‎‫‎‮‫‫‫‍‪‭‮‬‎‎‏‭‎‮‍‮() at Rampastring.XNAUI.WindowManager.AddAndInitializeControl(XNAControl control) at ‫‫‮‮‬‬‏‏‭‎‬‬‬‪‭‌‮‬‏‮.‏‭‏‌‌‏‪‮‌‏‪‮‍‫‎‬‌‫‪‎‬‌‌‎‮() at ‫‫‮‮‬‬‏‏‭‎‬‬‬‪‭‌‮‬‏‮.‮‏‬‬‫‎‎‬‫‭‮‍‏‎‮‍‌‎‪‏‭‏‬‮(GameTime ) at Rampastring.XNAUI.WindowManager.Update(GameTime gameTime) at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.<>c.<.cctor>b__114_1(IUpdateable updateable, GameTime gameTime) at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.SortingFilteringCollection`1.ForEachFilteredItem[TUserData](Action`2 action, TUserData userData) at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Update(GameTime gameTime) at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.DoUpdate(GameTime gameTime) at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick() at MonoGame.Framework.WinFormsGameWindow.RunLoop() at MonoGame.Framework.WinFormsGamePlatform.RunLoop() at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run(GameRunBehavior runBehavior) at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run() at ‍‎‏‭‍‏‮‍‏‫‭‌‭‮‌‪‍‍‫‮.‭‌‏‏‫‭‎‍‬‎‌‫‮‪‍‌‍‌‪‮‭‎‮() at ‎‪‍‬‪‏‪‭‬‌‏‎‫‪‍‍‌‪‭‌‪‭‭‮.‍‪‪‎‫‎‮‫‫‫‍‪‭‮‬‎‎‏‭‎‮‍‮(String[] ) at ‍‎‬‮‮‌‭‌‮‫‎‎‍‌‎‪‫‬‮‮‎‮‌‍‭‮.‬‌‮‭‍‪‮‭‮‫‪‫‬‬‮(String[] )
  3. Hello everyone! A few days ago I've reinstalled Windows 7 Pro 64bit, drivers, updates, etc on my laptop. Yesterday I decided to install my copy of "Yuri's Revenge" (Origin). Browsing the web to find a solution how to play the game online I landed on here. Your tool sounds promising. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work for me yet. After installing the cncnet tool and every time I try launching it I get the following error message (see screenshot) Can you please help me? I have no idea what this means or what to do to make it work. Thanks in advance for your help.
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