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Everything posted by Soheil

  1. There is no virtual drive there is just a cd rom which is empty
  2. Yes i ran the tspatch then i press play offline then it says there should be a cd in your cd drive also no cd is enabled
  3. Hello i did what you said but it still says please insert cd it needs a cd
  4. It says that when im installing the game i should download some other things but i cant since my computer is not connected to internet i guess after all i cant play this game
  5. I got it from a site name www.OldGames.ir its a zip file i will try to download that from you site thanks if i had any problem i will tell you also wich one i should downnload i just want the offline ver because i dont have an internet connected to my computer
  6. Soheil


    The game is not garbeg it is perfect i said my problem in the last page if someone can help me please do
  7. I downloaded the zip file after i extracted it it was the game itself it was already installed then i opened the game but it didnt work the window freezed then i downloaded your patch and i installed it then i run the game again (the no cd in advanced settings was check)but this timed it said please insert a cnc tibrian sun cd and the no cd patch exe fails to patch the game the version is correct but i dont know what am i supposed to do
  8. Hello i installed that patch but now it says insert cd then i downloaded the no cd patch but it doesnt work someone please help me i love cnc games specialy the old ones but it wants cd and i dont have a cd if you can help me please help me
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