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Everything posted by Schmillen

  1. I hope I'm not too late to the party I'll start by saying that I used to play cnc games as a kid, and RA2 was my all time favourite. I've always been an RTS player, but I've never been a "pro". I just recently discovered cncnet and I login for a couple of games once or twice a week. So I guess I belong in the super casual corner. I have great memories of RA2, but when I got back into it I was shocked by how bad the unit control is in this game. The AI, pathfinding, the default hotkeys (except for q,w,e & r) are simply awful! I think that after the obvious graphics improvements, those should be the main points of focus for EA. So here is my list of things I'd love to see in the remaster: A normal hotkey for attack move! Currently you have to hold Crtl + Shift + left click. And it doesn't work every time. And it seems to not work for all units. Maybe I'm just a noob, but this one feature got me so frustrated that I quit the game and didn't load it again for the next couple of months. Left click for select, right click to move! It sucks when you want to select something and missclick and your whole army starts moving to a random point on the screen. Since maybe a lot of people would be nostalgic of only using the left mouse button for all actions, the best solution would be to choose the mouse control type from the options menu. A normal way to queue commands. Get rid of this "press Z *annoying sound plays*, click *annoying sound plays*, click *annoying sound plays*, Z *annoying sound plays*" bullshit! A far, far better way is to just hold shift and click. A way to toggle health bars. A better way of pinging the map. Get rid of the "Beacons" And here is my list of things I consider "Sacred": Keep the 2d graphics! The 3d graphics of the newer CnC games are somewhat OK-ish, but they take away from the charm of the game. If EA wants to keep the same atmoshpere, they shouldn't change this. Of course the graphics need to be updated. A higher resolution would be very appreciated. The soundtracks. Please don't change them and don't do any remixes. The classic building queues. Don't touch the cinematics. Ok, that's it! I really hope EA does a good job this time, though honestly, I'm not very optimistic.
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