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Everything posted by Lockon

  1. I play in both CNC and Ra-Battlenet. The blocked net may be one important reason. But I think CNC is much laggier for the program itself than Ra-Battlenet, and members need to re get ready if the host change any setting. What's more, the CNC interface might need to be beautified...
  2. For Ra2, as some pros said, probably it was moon3 and Latof. But unfortunately, moon3 has retired. For YR, maybe Gaoke is the best now, the second best is CsOH. CsOH said he is a little better than Marko hahaaaa. One important thing is that every pro has their fortes, the best is just the general situation.
  3. He had another channel much earlier, not just ladder games. I have learned much from it. https://space.bilibili.com/2937475/video
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