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  1. I tried following these instructions, but I could not locate any file called ClientConfiguration.ini. I did, however, find one called ClientConfiguration.cs and an ini file that was called ClientDefinitions, but the former contained barely comprehensible coding and the latter, when attempting to edit it the way instructed, resulted in the game simply not functioning. It will attempt to load the skirmish mission, then crash. I followed the error boxes suggestion and uninstalled/reinstalled the game, ARES, and CnCNet client fresh, but this did not fix the issue in the slightest. https://imgur.com/a/DA82mwH I either get an error message telling me the main executable has stopped functioning, DTA client has stopped running, a black screen and/or crash, or it just refuses to do anything. I've tried several approaches, placing files in different areas (only _after_ verifying that none of the usual compatibility setting tricks worked and after a full uninstallation and retry of the instructed method had failed me multiple times), etc. Yes, I know to run everything as administrator. I jumped through all those hoops years back when I modded for another game and gained access to an actual administrator account to give myself full permissions. I always set a program to run as admin by default and I even click the "run as administrator" by force of habit for added redundancy. I've updated the necessary Windows Framework Redistributable (and re-updated and re-re-updated) including everything else on this PC, restarted my computer several times. I have only MalwareBytes and Windows Defender and both are disabled while attempting this. Unmodded and without Ares, I can run CnCNet just fine. I can run Ares by itself just fine. I can run Yuri's Revenge by itself just fine. Closest I manage to get is when I set the renderer to DDrawCompaq[sp?] it will launch the game... as in Yuri's Revenge. Complete with EA Satan's logo, the intro video, and taking me to YR's main menu screen. I set up a match to be brought to a new menu to set up a match. This has been a migraine. =================LATEST ERROR LOG=================
  2. Red Alert 2's cloning vat has always given you money when infantry were put into it. This is not a bug, but entirely accurate. I just fired up regular RA2 (not Ares, CnCNet, edited ini file or any other version/mod) and tech'd up to the cloning vats just to re-confirm this, sent a dozen conscripts and even a desolator into it while my miners were sitting idle. Gave me a decent amount of money. Unrelated: Remember before the patch to RA2 when you could send wounded infantry into the tech hospital and out would pop a clone at the vats, free of charge? Fun times. Yuri Prime in RA2 cannot mind control buildings. You must be thinking of Yuri's Revenge; that's where Prime can mind control buildings. In RA2 he wasn't a hero unit, but stolen tech you got if you owned a Soviet barracks, got a spy and infiltrated a Soviet battle lab. A tricky feat to pull off to be sure. I just cheese'd the AI to test this out, but neither in regular RA2 nor CnCNet RA2 mode does a Yuri Prime capture buildings, so this part is accurate to the original game. What the topic creator said though about Yuri Prime mind controlling ten units in RA2 mode is true. I just had two Yuri Primes in RA2 mode (thanks to cloning vat trick which apparently works in every version of RA2/YR) and could mind control platoons of enemy tanks and send them back to their base to crush it — from nightmare levels of distance at that. This was hilarious and extremely overpowered compared to my test in regular RA2 where Prime could only mind control a single unit.
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