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  1. You can still cheese the trigger by putting "-1" as the player that enters the trigger. This way every unit that moves over it fires the trigger. With that you can maybe find some workarounds.
  2. Hello Moamen, thank you for your input and glad you enjoy the mod. I'll keep it in mind when updating the mod to version 2. I've planned to do that once the Ares/Phobos integration for cncnet comes out. However it might take a long time - I'm currently busy with other private projects. Cheers!
  3. Good evening Insect, currently I'm working on other projects like improving skills in 3D modeling, texturing and animating. I'm also helping SCIPCION with his mod Global Crisis. So currently my projects are a bit frozen. If I come back to my YR mapping projects I'd rather focus on RA2:ZH 2.0 first, as the demand for some updates has increased. Tsurai wouldn't be too difficult to finish after that, as the main layout and the main gampleay of the map is already done. I'd mainly need to fix some bugs and perfomance issues (and maybe add some more scripted details). I think thou that I could do both within the next weeks or months. So in summary, stay tuned!
  4. Hello everybody! I am back with good news: My newest map (and also my biggest one so far) is now done! So let me present to you: SUPER DELUXE ARENA II IS NOW COMPLETE! After two months of work the sequel to Super Deluxe Arena is now finished and I'd like to share it with you. You can download it here: Option 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1if0urpuRkYVS4FH_VtVmMaL85pchWoJH/view?usp=sharing Option 2: https://csra2.com/4793 Option 3: super deluxe arena ii v1.1.map To showcase how the map compares to the first one I've prepared something better than posting a huge textwall here: Two entire videos! Here's a video of my showcase of the map, it's development, design and how it's sequel builds and improves the gameplay experience upon its predecessor: And here's a video showing over 40 minutes of pure gameplay: I haven't done video editing in ages, so I took this as some nice practice. Also feel free to post feedback on the videos if you wish. I'm eager to improve myself. Alright, enjoy some nice games, dudes and dudettes 😎 Cheers, DoctorEvil
  5. Small update from me: Two projects are in the work for now. 1. Super Deluxe Arena II (SDA2) is now in development! Since my first Super Deluxe Arena (SDA) was liked by many I guess it's time for a worty sequel, right? SDA2 will feature an entirely overhauled spawn and bonus selection system that is much more intuitive to use (better for new players!). Also means the map will get rid of the chaos drone selection grids entirely, freeing up a lot of space. This also allows for the use of chrono legions and the chronosphere! And since my knowledge in INI editing grew exponentially in 2023 a lot of new bonuses and gameplay tweaks will be added! In case you're one of the people, who have played my first Super Deluxe Arena map a lot: What would you love to see implemented? Or what did you like or dislike in general? Post me your answers below 2. The Massacre of Tsurai - My first mission map with a nice little gameplay twist Imagine a cooperative mission map. Now take that idea and multiply it by two, while also splitting the map in half. You'll end up with a map that is cooperative AND counter-operative at the same time! A coop mission map where you can decide if you play for the good guys or for the bad guys. Fully playable with AI, but playing with people gives the best experience. I'll keep the other details for this map hidden for now, but here's a nice little sneak peak for you guys:
  6. Well that's kinda the point of a mod isn't it? To give a new gameplay experience. It's good to hear that the balancing seems to be pretty good haha. At least better than in vanilla YR. Zero Hour does exactly that - it kinda feels like an entirely new c&c. Btw. I've updated it again in case you want to play it someday. See the changelog above Oil in Center Zero Hour, ov1.3.map Changes for update 1.1 -> 1.3: Could be an idea. I was thinking of maybe doing a singleplayer campaign for the Yuri faction someday. People seem to like the custom campaign made by others. So why not do that?
  7. That is exactly one of the reasons why I mostly quit map making (besides the growth of toxic behaviour on cncnet). Because why bother to make a nice gamemode if nobody's going to play anyways? (Even thou there were quite some people who enjoy the mod)
  8. Hello Sam, I've replayed the oil in center map the past days and wanted to make a quick update before the big update comes. So I've made a couple of changes to improve the balancing of the map. Added it in the attachments. Enjoy Here's the full changelog: Oil in Center Zero Hour, ov1.1.map
  9. Hello everybody, I hope you have had some nice and intense matches on the RA2 ZH mod. Currently I'm thinking of slowly updating this mod to official version 2 and I was wondering about some feedback from you guys. What would you personally like to see changed? The main changes I will definitely add to the mod in ov2: - Fix the "100 unit bug" from all the maps (which causes recon errors and weird AI behaviour when playing with AI) - Add AI triggers and AI behaviour, so they actually produce and use the new units - Add some more infantry units as there is plenty of space left for them - Add custom hero units for every subfaction. Like giving Britain a stealthed James Bond with a laser cannon, giving Germany Elite Hans with an anti tank railgun, improve Yuri's Yuriko Omega, and much more - Maybe add a few more tank and naval units (if possible) - Maybe give every faction an airport with custom jets - A lot of balancing tweaks and adjustments. Nerf op units, buff weak units, make each faction feel even more unique - A few performance improvements (like reduce the amount of fire particles for flame throwers or toxin clouds for toxin weapons) and better visual effects - And much more And now you come into play. Tell me about the things you liked or disliked about my mod. I will soon take some time to adjust it accordingly. Feel free to drop a honest feedback. I can take criticism. Cheers, Doc!
  10. Hello man, glad you enjoy my maps! The map is called "-VS- BTF -Alpaca edit v1.4 -Bridges Too Far 2018". I've attached it in this post below. Enjoy! The teams are set correctly. The thing is that all teams spawn simultaneously with the same script, which means that they usually all target the same spot. Game of Thrones Survival was one of my first maps, where I didn't have much knowledge on map making. Nowadays I would spawn the teams with better scripts. That's why I designed the map in a way so that units have to pass through the base to get to the other side. So you did everything right. The map is just a bit buggy at times (and since the concept didn't work out well in the first place I never really updated the map). -VS- BTF -Alpaca edit v1.4 -Bridges Too Far 2018.map
  11. No worries It took around half a day to look into the map file and change my mod accordingly. Also glad you enjoy the new additions! After a few test runs I still feel it needs a bit more rebalancing. Iraq and Yuri feel overpowered on this map, America and France feel underpowered. The rest is okay I guess. Do you have some other balancing ideas?
  12. Hello everybody, due to Sam-I-Am's request he made in my map collection topic I turned an oil in center and corners map into a zero hour version with adjusted gameplay (for balancing purposes). To not double post everything I'm posting the link here, so you guys can read what exactly is changed on this map. Check it out here: Download Options: 1: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1TnnwcYmfI18u27NWsZTL1_z2Moll-PMD?usp=sharing 2: https://www.csra2.com/?p=3827 3: Oil in Center Zero Hour, ov1.map Enjoy
  13. Hello man, as you had requested I turned the oil in corner and center map into a zero hour version. Enjoy! Oil in Center Zero Hour, ov1.3.map (Older versions:) (For alternative download options see the first post I made in this topic) However I looked into the map (I actually never played oil in center maps before) and checked what the original creator Tutankhamun changed. I decided to change a few things in my mod to keep the original balancing of the map and also the basic "feeling" of the original version. After a few test runs it played really well. So if you already know the Red Alert 2: Zero Hour map mod, I've made the following changes (now updated to version 1.3): All factions: - No Ore Purifiers (due to not having ore on the map) - Mobile Sensor Array: Stealth Detection Radius reduced to 12 - Custom Soviet and Yuri Spies got deleted. I used the original code of the map (Allied spy buildable by allies and soviets but not by Yuri) - Queue limit has been increased from 30 to 100 America / Airforce General: - Helicarrier: Build limit reduced from 3 to 2. Range reduced from 12 to 11. Light gun range increased from 8 to 10. Fixed bug of Helicarrier not having sight. - Drone Hive: Build limit reduced from 3 to 2. Range reduced from 20 to 14. Damage of hive drones doubled but damage against buildings halved. Health of drones increased from 125 to 150. - Stealth Fighter: Price reduced from 1600 to 1200. - Robotnik Drone: Price reduced from 600 to 550. - Hydra Gunship: Fixed the issue of the unit not shooting at flying infantry (rocketeers, zephyrots, molniyas), machine gun damage slightly reduced. Korea / Infantry General: - Prismarine weapon range got reduced by 33% (to make prismarine battle fortresses less efficient) - Chrono Commando: Build time increased from 2x to 3x - APC: Increased movement speed from 8 to 10. - Zephyrot: Health reduced from 250 to 200. France / Defensive General: - France is now unable to build prism tanks (as a general offensive nerf for France and to utilize pacifiers more). - Plasma Cannon: Range reduced from 18 to 11. - Deployed Pacifier FAV: Artillery weapon changed increased to 12 (13 for elite) and now shoots 5 (7 for elite) projectiles instead of 4. Also slightly increased accuracy, but slightly reduced damage per shot. Building now has the same health and armor as the vehicle. This means similarly to the deployed nuke cannon the tower is now vulnerable against mind control! - Plasmacore Missile Platform: Range reduced from 18 to 13 - Fusion Reactor: Has been modded, so it produces money (like the other power plants) - Gun Turret: Increased range from 7 to 8. Can now shoot over walls. - NEW BUILDING: Camo Pillbox! Replaces the normal pillbox. It has the exact same firepower as a regular pillbox, but is cloaked by default. Due to limitations I had to make it a small stealth generator, so it can also cloak certain buildings and units next to it. Consider it a feature lol. Germany / Robotics and Tank General: - Android Prismarine weapon range reduced by 33% - Robot Miner isn't buildable - Advanced Robot Tank: Speed increased from 5 to 6, so it's on par with a Rhino Tank. Britain / Laser and Stealth General: - Stealth Generator: Build limit of 1 instead of unlimited. Cloaking range increased from 6 to 8 (so it's on par with a gap gen) - Advanced Stealth Generator isn't buildable - Mobile Stealth Generator: Buildable after building a Stealth Generator. - Obelisk of Light: Range reduced from 10 to 8 (so it's equal to a prism tower) - All Laser Weapons: Damage against V3 missiles and terror drones increased from 50% to 150%. Damage against all infantry increased from 50% to 75%. - Laser Mammoth Tank: Range increased by 1. Anti air range decreased from 13 to 10. Damage doubled from 3 to 6 (6 to 12 for Elite). - Avenger Anti Air System: Damage increased from 4 to 5 per shot. Libya / Nuclear General: - Nuclear Rhino: Price decreased from 950 to 925. - Nuclear Apocalypse: Price decreased from 2100 to 2050. - Nuclear Cannon: Unit is now immune to radiation (less microing the unit), speed is now on par with red and green howitzers, rate of turn is now doubled. Range reduced so it's on par with prism tanks - Desolator Turret: Range reduced from 6 to 5.5. - Doomsday Cannon isn't buildable Iraq / Toxin and Airship General: - All large toxin grenade weapons: Reduced toxin spread from 4 to 2 (to reduce lag and overall poison damage) - Thrax Toxinturret: Ground weapon range reduced from 10 to 8. Can now shoot over walls. - Iraq's Apocalypse tank: Removed their immunity to poison damage. Anti air weapon range reduced from 13 to 8, so it's on par with a normal apoc. Damage per missile is increased thou (60 instead of 50). - Iraq's Rhino tank: Removed their immunity to poison damage. This makes Iraq less op in tank battles. - Green Howitzer: Range reduced so it's on par with prism tanks. Rate of turn reduced from 5 to 4. - Cinta-Class Airships: Build limit of 2 instead of unlimited. Weapon range decreased from 8 to 7. - Sahara-Class Airships: Build limit of 1 instead of 3. Range reduced so it's on par with prism tanks. Anti air missiles damage reduced from 30 to 15 per missile. Cuba / Flame and Demolitions General: - All flamethrower weapons: Weapon is now unable to fire over walls, reduced fire weapon spread from 2 to 1 (reduces lag and overall flame damage). Removed oversight of flamethrowers being able to hit air units. - All napalm missiles: Reduced weapon spread from 9 to 3 (reduces lag and overall flame damage). Removed burst of 2, but doubled damage per missile. - Flame Miner: Flamethrower damage against buildings halved. This makes early flame miner rushes less effective. - Flame Turret: Fixed bug of the turret being able to automatically detect spies, range reduced from 7.5 to 5.5 so it's on par with other basic defenses - Red Howitzer: Rate of turn decreased from 5 to 4. Range reduced so it's on par with prism tanks - Dragon Tank: Increased cost from 1200 to 1400, speed reduced from 4 to 3, armor type changed from heavy to medium, flamethrower damage reduced from 20 to 12. - Pyromaniac: Unit is now unable to occupy buildings. - Dragon Attack Helicopter: Unit renamed to Hell-icopter, now unlocks with battle lab instead of radar, flamethrower weapon damage reduced from 15 to 7.5 and elite weapon damage from 18 to 10, now shoots missiles at light vehicles (flamethrower was extremely op against AA units), price increased from 1400 to 1500, flamethrower now has a proper sound effect - Terror Bike: Speed increased from 7 to 11 - Terrorist and Terror Bike price increased by 10% Russia / Tesla General: - Advanced Tesla Coil: Ground range reduced from 13 to 11. Anti air range reduced to 12. Energy consumption reduced by half. - Zelinsky-Machine: Range reduced so it's on par with prism tanks. Speed increased from 3 to 4. Weapon range increased from 10 to 12, elite weapon range increased from 10 to 14, so Russia has a better counter against Masterminds. - Advanced Tesla Reactor: Build limit of 1 instead of unlimited (because nuclear reactors also have a build limit of 1) - Molniya: Changed weapon sound effect for non-elite bolts to the tesla trooper one (less earrape). Weapon shoots 1.5 times slower, but is accordingly stronger. Health reduced from 250 to 200. - Volkov: Weapon range increased from 7 to 9, elite weapon range increased from 9 to 11, bolt spread increased from 1 to 2. Yuri: - Clone Miner isn't buildable - Yuriko Omega: Isn't floating anymore. This fixes a bug of her not attacking sometimes, which makes her more useful when playing against Germany. - Gattling Trooper: Unit is now unable to occupy buildings. - Assault Hovercraft: Unit is now buildable in weapons factory instead of shipyard (which doesn't exist on this map). This gives Yuri a second anti air option. Occupy it with 3 gattling troopers for a nice anti air unit. Caution: Yuri clones don't work in it! - Master Mind: Health reduced from 500 to 400. This was done as masterminds were still considerably strong against soviet players, so this nerf makes it a bit easier to counter Yuri. - Yuri Statue: Rate of fire reduced from 80 to 33. Price reduced to 1500, so it's on par with tesla coils and prism towers. Increased rate of turn. Fixed bug of tower being overchargable with tesla troopers. Tower has now a threat value (which means ground units will auto attack it!). Enjoy! 😎 Also feel free to give me feedback later on if something feels under- or overpowered. Cheers!
  14. Hi man, thanks for the input. Am I interpreting this right that you want me to put my Red Alert 2: Zero Hour mod onto it? If no, which kind of modifications do you have in mind? Cheers
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