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Everything posted by The_BlackToteM

  1. I tested it with Mental Omega mod, It's worked. Thanks for your solution! But still, Is it possible to solve this with non-Ares mod (Original game)? Or is there a way to add part of Ares script packed into a map? So I could add part of "CivilianEnemy" parameter to use in my map (Because I don't know any possible way to do than this).
  2. Update version 3.3 - Added warning message when whoever attack "Yaranaika Castle" in middle of the map to give an opportunity of people who disagree of release Takakazu Abe out. - Reduce strength of Yaranaika Castle by about 4/5 of previous version to encourage people who want to turn a tide of battle by release Abe. (Even it's not a good way to do it...) abelakez32.map abelakez32.yrm abelakez32.map
  3. I have made a map that use Civilian/JP side to attack everyone when condition was met. It's went fine but the problem is player's (+Computer) defenses and units won't automatically attack Civilian's unit as they are in range of fire. So, Is it possible to solve this problem?
  4. Hi, I want to show you my first-ever published map in CnCNet Community : Abe Lake Here is a map Trailer : Map Preview : 2 - 8 players battle map. Can be plays as team or FFA too. Created 7 years ago just for joke when "Yaranaika" meme became popular among my friends. But I believe it's can be better than that so I decide to add more mechanic into this map. like special trigger and building etc. Because this map is full of tricks so don't mess with middle castle if you want some seriously match. but if you do... I hope you're prepared. There are 2 bonus secrets waiting for you to find out. Hope you guys having fun with my map. Feedback and suggestion are welcome. abelakez32.yrmabelakez32.map Map Properties Money on map : 739700 Size (Whole Map) : 86x179 Theater : Temperate abelakez32.map abelakez32.yrm
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