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  1. Yep there are indeed some real nice fan made co-op maps out there , I personally liked playing FlyingZ's co-op maps back in the day , Flyingz's own website still seems to be up and running so you can get his co-op missions from there: https://sites.google.com/site/flyingzmaps/multiplayer-missions He also made some real fun singleplayer missions btw
  2. I really enjoyed these superb missions , it's always nice to see some new fan made singleplayer content for the vanilla game! Gotta say that I particularly liked the 3rd Soviet mission since I found it really cool when some of your units will randomly turn against you from time to time , until playing this mission I didn't even know that you can create such an interesting trigger since it's the first time I saw such a thing.
  3. Wow this is some fine work , i'm really enjoying the missions so far! ;D
  4. This is without a doubt another gem by Concolor1 , he was working hard to bring us 2 more quality campaigns for YR so please guys as a minimal way to say "Thank you" show him some love and let him (and also the rest of us) know here your thoughts on this new piece of work
  5. I remember I had the same problem like you many many years ago when I was playing online and my Firewall was the one to blame for that , I just disabled my Firewall and it solved the problem
  6. lol , now that was an unexpected way to complete the mission , good job..
  7. You guys are in for a real treat! Many thanks to Concolor1 for keeping this game's singleplayer alive with new quality missions , he worked hard to bring all of us those gems
  8. I Just finished the whole campaign and I really enjoyed it! However there is room for some improvements in some of the missions: Mission 1: I think I already told you that on my YT channel but the Soviet Naval reinforcements just spawn from the middle of the river which doesn't really make it look good lol , also the AI's could use some build triggers in addition for having all their stuff already prebuilt on the map Mission 4: The AI was pretty passive in this one and it could def. get some more attack waves Mission 5: This mission can be broken way too easily, first of all half an hour is waaaaaay too much time for the player to get ready for the incoming enemies , at this time it's easy to prepare some forces and ambush the enemy at it's spawning positions taking out their forces & their MCV's in a few seconds , this unfortunately made the mission a bit boring with all the waiting only to find out you waited so long for only a few second battle... it might be a good idea to cut the timer shorter and also add more enemy units when they arrive. Mission 7: That was a real great mission only I couldn't figure out how to fire the win trigger at the end, after "running for my life" with Tanya and taking out all the Conscripts I had no clue on what to do or where to go and I got stuck just wandering around the map with Tanya until I commited suicide with her just for fun by blowing up a Nuclear Reactor xD (I really hope that cleaning the whole map completely isn't the key for victory here because it's no stated as one of the objectives) Overall like I said this was a great campaign and I really had fun with it! Hopefully we will see that Soviet campaign you are planning in the near future
  9. it's good to see that the download amount of the campaign is growing Again , feedbacks are more than welcome so Concolor (and also the rest of us) can actually see what u guys are thinking about his new campaign After finishing this amazing campaign I have uploaded to my YT channel playthroughs of all the missions so if anyone would like to take a peek just for the curiosity or because he got stuck in some mission he is more than welcome to do so So here they are: 1. Initiation Test: 2. Nautical Nightmare: 3. Broken Bridges: 4. Recovery: 5. Mountain Pass: 6. Mindless Faith: 7. Home Invasion: 8. Tesla Trouble: 9. Contamination: 10. Woodpecker: 11. Reset: 12. Excessive Force: 13. Moonbase Assault (Finale):
  10. It was my pleasure testing these mission for you dude, thank you very much for letting me have that option! Guys you are definitely gonna love this campaign, it's a real gem! Thanks to people like Concolor1 Yuri's Revenge and RA2 still get some new quality vanilla content up to this very day and it helps to keep the game alive, show him some love and give him a like here and also please let him and everyone else actually know what you think about the missions by leaving a comment here! ?
  11. Oh yeah here it begins You guys are definitely gonna love these missions, total fun guarenteed!
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