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  1. Hi, I've been playing RA2 on Hex Bay map for a while and I like it. However, recently my Allied enemies don't attack me. Yuris and Reds do but the allied don't. Anyways, then I tried other maps but nothing seemingly changed. The allied attack for a few minutes and then they stop it Anyone else annoyed with the same issue? Thanks, Yahmose.
  2. What about your system info? Here's mine: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6500U CPU @ 2.50GHz 2.60 GHz RAM 8,00 GB 64 bit, x64
  3. 8 GB. It's really odd that some people show 'custom' section on their list of map groups but I just don't have it.
  4. Yes, Guns of Navarone by Ejah.map. It didn't end in map but I changed it into one. I want to play the Final Four II as well.
  5. Please, hasn't this occurred to anyone else here?
  6. Hi, I downloaded the cncnet software a few days ago. While installing, 'out of system resources' warning popped up but still the installation went on. I can play the game and all that. However, there seems to be a problem that stems from that very same issue. As such, I can't add new maps to the CUSTOM folder. Well, obviously, I can but the game will show none of them. It doesn't even show 'Standard' or 'Custom' section in the game. Please help. Thanks:)
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