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  1. Try selling your high power draining structures such as battle lab, grand cannons and ore purifier. Perhaps, this will help the mission to proceed.
  2. I have achieved to solve a similar crash problem with "Arctic Circle Pro" map, but unfortunately this one keeps crashing, me despite trying a lot of methods. It causes error whenever the triggers keeps beginning, I guess. However, Arctic Circle one seems to have a very close map mechanism and trigger types with this one.
  3. Great challenging missions. One more time we see that prime Boris is a must have for soviets against Yuri. An assault cannot be considered without siege choppers as well !
  4. May be this map: "A Battle for the Rocks", but this island is bigger and has too many structures, rather than your definiton...
  5. Always make sure to load Tanya inside a BF; if no access, at least keep her in a ifv or a nighthawk.
  6. Not an easy one really. Slightly above of a mountain close to the center of the map, with a small hill as well, seems to be only region to set up your base. Build your refinery next to the ore mine to the east, just down of that mountain, and protect this point with gi paradrops and prism towers. It is important to build up your war factory a bit away from your main base, as it is likely to get nuked twice. It is your best bet to start up training harriers as soon as possible ! I advise to keep your battle fortress always mobile (of course with 4 ggis and a seal), wandering and defencing around your CY. Try to capture as many derricks as possible, and set up the same defence systems around your ore refineries. The higher number of money sources and structures, the better it is! As soon as you train 12 harriers and a spy for sabotage, immediately blow up that nuke. And you will see the mission is getting easier as you slowly maintain and strengthen your economy...
  7. In this first mission; immediate sell of prisms, patriots, ore purifier etc. and instant training of 2 battle fortresses with 9 ggi's and Tanya inside, with an aid of a engi-ifv (you can build up this small army before enemy assault), makes the rest of mission easy to complete.
  8. 'Hive' mission: A really solid and mystical one. A mission reflecting the real power and brutality of Yuri faction, in my opinion. Lacking of chronosphere, spy satellite and spy from the arsenal, increases the difficulty of mission a lot, as well.
  9. 'Extreme Reservations': A Real Challenge. Fairly good one ! (Note: Please do not reveal the spoiler, if you haven't completed this mission yet...) Impossible to accomplish because of lack of funds, if you don't build up your base at this region. ↘️
  10. And the next allies mission: 'Uranium Run.' Great challenge and scenario, once again... This one reminds me of two nostalgic missions from old Red Alert 1 Counterstrike mission sets: 'Fresh Tracks' and 'Trapped'. 😁
  11. A really creative mission: 'The Squid Games.' Was difficult to find all these squids at pools. I hardly realized I should build up a naval yard in that enclosed big pool, at the northwest section of the map, to find the remaining 2 units. 😂
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