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Everything posted by bdizzle18

  1. So... is there NO older version of the cncnet loader that supports RA2 only? I own so many copies of RA2.. but only one of yuri.. (hated it) I'm going to be introducing my friends to ra2 again on game nights... getting tired of starcraft 2 lmao... I can use XWIS... but thats a dead server.... is that my only option? (as I am NOT installing yuri's revenge and ruining my ra2 experience.....) -- *unless there is a newer updated mod that would completely remove all yuri units and all ra2 mods from yuri and revert my game back to stock settings lmao.. (doubt it)
  2. I have seen a couple of those maps... I was never a fan of the modified units. When I made my (handful) of maps I simply made small edits to things like your recent game balance changes... to make computers smarter, build faster and attack better... though I could have implemented much more scripting than I did... I relied on the trick to make allies double up and soviets quadruple build - so you'd be going after a pc 2x or 4x harder -- using smarter attacks... My fav map - Polynesia - took me almost 100 labor hours to build and tweak... pretty strong Naval battle map; I've never seen a better naval map in the game.. as naval mostly doesnt work... I even added Chronosphere triggars for EVERY country - but only the first country to get a unit onto the 'trigger spot' would activate the trigger -- the elite naval units would chronosphere in - and the white troops would auto assign to your personal control... worked GREAT... Until a new anti cheat measure was created by Olafs team on xwis.. then anytime someone would activate the reinforcement trigger the game would wash out like someone had cheated... so its been an offline only map since that awful day... made me quite sad. *I always labeled my maps with Text triggers in game, and version info on the map file - and in the text portion of the map file.... thats just the programmer in me lmao... I can't imagine releasing maps that are unfinished... I'd make 10 testing versions and test it with a few friends (who were told to delete them) before releasing the final... Alas, my final map was never finished.. City fights back 'pro'... I expanded Cannis Rabidus's 4 player map to an 8 player masterpiece... was adding my naval teams, and the ground teams... 120 hours in on version 18 of my map I broke a trigger someplace and messed up the whole soviet side... wouldnt you know I mis placed the versions between 10 and 18... and I didnt wanna go back and rebuild it from version 9... Do we have any map makers out here who wanna collaborate? lmao.
  3. This has been happening since the game was released 20 years ago... There are apps and settings one can modify to slow the game or connection down on purpose. Although it can also happen if your using a old single core pc from 20 years ago... I remember my trusty old P3 800mhz slot a processor that I played on long long ago... it was like playing on SLOWER than the SLOWEST setting all the time... the pc could NOT speed up... put it on FASTEST? -- still slower than slow... and the game plays at the slowest speed of the slowest connected machine... So if your on a new machine where 'Fastest' makes the apocs fly across the screen faster than your eyes can observe... and your versing someone on an old machine... enjoy the slow pace... So are they really cheating? maybe. but they might just be on a slow machine. (assuning its 'always' slow and not just slowing down when they loose) *(the game will also bog down when lots of units appear on the map and old machines will slow down then too...
  4. Multiple units were created that were not readily available through normal build channels. CUSTOM MAPS allow you to build a president, chemical warrior, busses, aligators and more... you can use those custom maps online without cheating... I'm curious Which trainer you were using - what OS also... as my old trainers only work on XP - not 7 and not 10... So I'll use those custom maps at times.. or load up my old XP system once in a while... lol
  5. I played this when it was new... I bought 8 copies of the game so I could host parties for my friends... over the years I've spent hundreds of hours building complicated scripted maps that I bet none of you have experienced... I intend to ressurrect RA2 into my friends circles game night. This is by far the most entertaining game that I enjoy more than any other game; and I generally play 99.9% offline or vs computers (advanced scripted ones) I love the game.. the original game; v 1.006 - the yuri campaign? I played it.. hated everything about it and instanty uninstalled it and never want to see it - or any of its units again... So I occasinally log into XWIS and have seen fewer players as the years go by... seems there might be a community here that plays... Though it seems everyone here has embrased yuri - and has patched the game; made balance changes and modified it to something I would probably hate... I believe my favorite bug in the game is the Hammer sickle broken bottom right bridge.. I had so many countless 2vs 2 battles on that map that took 2 to 4 hours to complete as highly skilled players would grow their bases; camp - attack - repel/retreat -camp -attack /repelretreat- etc... the skill involved in distraction feinting and quickly landing on that lower right side =fixing the bridge and crossing quickly was one of the most challenging things... So here are the questions... I'll throw them out and if anyone feels like answering them great! First. Can I play the original ra2 1.006 un patched un modded with all the original stuff as is around here? - aka No yuri Second. If I agree to ruin // cough I mean / Patch my game up to the modded version offered here'' a. can I completely disable all yuri units by check box in settings for online/ offline or both? b. can one disable any 'balancing' changes that were included to revert back? c. perhaps the game host can set these flags for online play? d. Programming = there are about four different official retail versions of RA2. My custom maps were created under the first few; and when XWIS implemented cheat detection anytime someone would play my advanced maps - and they would trigger chronosphere troops to appear (and be controlled by the player or AI who triggered it) So after cheat detection was implemented - my maps would instantly disconnect everyone the instant that the triggers were tripped... very annoying and made a few of my maps unplayable online... Will such maps work here? e. Are there any currently active map makers or anyone who remembers Deezires encyclopedia, Cannis, Alpha or any of the former custom map makers who made impossibly hard comp stomps? f. Are there any approved methods of doing Map reveal for offline mode? (I am not a fog of war fan and disable it in every game I play that allows one to disable it) g. Anyone here ever play one of my maps? lol Pacific Island Polynesia for example? I was doing an 8 player version of Cannis' City fights back - such a masterpiece that map was going to be but I messed up a script someplace and never made time to go back.. I have almost 70 hours working on that map between the graphics, Ai pathfinding edits and tweaks to how to navigate.. and of course making it fair for all...
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