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Everything posted by MJ_

  1. hey Dave, you can check the operating system requirements on The Ultimate Collection's steam page, that will tell you if you're able to run it on your laptop.
  2. you were banned for 8 hours for toxicity. you have been unbanned.
  3. Hey. this is first for me. I've been here for years and never seen anyone complain about the Ivan! That being said, we do appreciate your feedback. It's quite rare that someone does eventually get both allied & soviet bases (unless they go on an engineering spree, or is playing the Unholy Alliance mode), as such we rarely see this move at all. Plus, reaching the point where you eventually get an allied/soviet MCV, and build up the army of chrono & ivans would take up a lot of time, and by that point you should have a sizeable army ready to pounce if you get hit with it. There are many counters to this, and I personally don't think that this is a game-breaking move. An example of a game-breaking move would be the engineers. Rushing an engineer and an IFV/Flak and rushing to your opponents base is a bigger game-breaking move than the Ivan (which happens late game, gives you more chances to counter) - which resulted to the "Multi Engineer" option. However, if more players are vocal about this issue, we might look into having this "patched". Cheers!
  4. MJ_

    Have Banned from Lobby

    hey, could you try again? let me know if you're still banned.
  5. Hey there The Beta client supports the campaign. you won't need to run the base version of the game to play the campaign anymore. here's a tutorial on how to get the beta version of the client, look in the timestamps. Hope this helps.
  6. Hey there. Sorry I don't quite follow what you're saying. When you say "I can play matches until I Turn off CnCNet", do you mean that you're playing launching the base game via Steam?
  7. Hey. What's your nickname? Or what was the last nickname you played with, and when did you last come online? If you're banned from the "CnCNet General" chat on CnCNet, it's normal. No one is able to chat there. You'll need to go to the Yuri's Revenge channel to chat.
  8. Hey there. If you're running CnCNet, you'll be able to form teams with the AI in Skirmish from the game menu. I've linked some videos below that might help you. Here's an in depth tutorial on how to play RA2YR using CnCNet. https://youtu.be/_EBqST0AZ9k?si=o4iPqQ4ffeXaehJY Here's an updated campaign tutorial, and how to get the game on Steam! https://youtu.be/4MfOurHaQP4?si=zrslaZTqwLIYtExD
  9. Hey there. To my knowledge, TS isn't available on MacOS. As far as I know, you'll have to bootcamp your Mac to run TS.
  10. Hey there. I've never heard of that map before, but maybe you could try searching in mapdb (https://mapdb.cncnet.org/search/?game=yr&search=) and see if you can find it there?
  11. Hey there. Are you running the Campaign straight from Steam/EA App? Some players have found that the base game out the box is rather glitchy. We have added campaign support in the Beta version of the CnCNet client. Have a look at the timestamped videos below to use the CnCNet client. If you'd like to play the campaign, have a look at the 2nd video. Here's an in depth tutorial on how to play RA2YR using CnCNet. https://youtu.be/_EBqST0AZ9k?si=o4iPqQ4ffeXaehJY Here's an updated campaign tutorial, and how to get the game on Steam! https://youtu.be/4MfOurHaQP4?si=zrslaZTqwLIYtExD
  12. Hey there. In the Beta version of the client, we have added campaign support. You can follow the timestamped video below to use the Beta version of CnCNet. Do note that you'll have to revert back to the Live version if you'd like to play multiplayer. Here's an updated campaign tutorial, and how to get the game on Steam! https://youtu.be/4MfOurHaQP4?si=zrslaZTqwLIYtExD
  13. Hey there. Are you using CnCNet to launch the game? If not, it's highly recommended to do so. Here's an in depth tutorial on how to play RA2YR using CnCNet. https://youtu.be/_EBqST0AZ9k?si=o4iPqQ4ffeXaehJY Here's an updated campaign tutorial, and how to get the game on Steam! https://youtu.be/4MfOurHaQP4?si=zrslaZTqwLIYtExD
  14. hey lads @MBa@Tendi54. thanks for providing us with the feedback. before this there was quite a lot of feedback on the input delay and to remove it, so we worked on it and eventually got it removed, & the response has been overwhelmingly positive. However we didn't think of this scenario which we'd like to apologise for. I'm not sure if the option to make the 0 input delay toggleable will be possible (I'm an admin, not a dev), but this "0 input delay" will likely be permanent. However, your feedback is valid & we'd encourage more players to speak up if they also feel the same. We will be looking into making this option toggleable, but I cannot confirm no guarantee that this option will be available in the future.
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