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Everything posted by Mr.Ghost360

  1. Hi everyone, I'v been downloading the last update of mental omega 3.3.6, it downloaded and everything looks fine, but when i open up the game it crash and display this message: CnCnet Client has crashed. Error message: Invalid function. a crash log has been saved to the following file: Z:/home/mrghost/Downloads/Games/Command & Conquer Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge/Mental Omega /ClientCrashLogs/ClientCrashLog_2024_01_28_14_46.txt I have to mention that. I'v been using Ubuntu 22.04 NOT WINDOWS, to play the game. Also, I provide you with the log file. So, I searched and googled everywhere, but i did not find the solution of this problem, so can anybody provide me with a little assist. ClientCrashLog_2024_01_28_14_46.txt
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