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RAED help!


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Crate are random on Multiplayer so any crates placed on the map are removed by the game.


I'm attaching blank Snow and Temperate (grass) mega maps below. You can open these in Edwin and make mega maps in edwin with them. Just put them into your Red Alert directory.


Making Multiplayer maps with RAED

If you put the blank mega maps in your Red Alert directory RAED can use them as well for a template. In RAED the Doc tab you can find some basic info.


The Mode (******) tab has all the you will need to make a Multiplayer map. Once you click on Mode (******) it will drop down showing Template, Overlay, Smuge, Terrain .etc. Template has the Shores, Rivers, Roads, Ridges and Debris. Overlay has Ore, Gems, Walls, Hay stacks, fields and crates. Smuge has craters and burn marks. Terrain has Mine for spawning ore Tress and Ice.


Also Waypoints. For Multiplayer Waypoint 0 to 7 are starting points in Multiplayer.

Blank_MegaMaps.zipFetching info...

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Thanks! I just figured out that you have to double click to place most things. Do any buildings you place stay in the game? And how do you place starting positions/waypoints?

I have a few other questions :

Can you start the game with the MCV coming in a transport?

Can you start the game with pre-built buildings?

If these are  possible, it would be great. Thanks again.

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In Multiplayer answers,

1. yes, use multi 1-8 for stuff like this, use triggers to make them appear etc

2. see answer 1, but just place them on the map.


In singleplayer Answers,

1. Use the Nation that you control or want to deliver it for (probably you) if allies, usually Greece and soviet usually USSR.

2. See Answer 1, but just place them on the map.


See my attached file, it is a multiplayer map made as a co-op.


ALLvsONE.rarFetching info...

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You place Multiplayer starting positions/waypoints by going to Mode(****) than waypoints. All the way points are listed on the right side 0 to 7 are used as starting positions.


No you can't have a MCV coming in a transport in multiplayer.


Yes buildings say on multiplayer maps if placed, units too. Only crates are removed from multiplayer maps.

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  On 3/20/2013 at 7:20 PM, Allen262 said:
No you can't have a MCV coming in a transport in multiplayer.

Yes you can. My map has that in it. (its 2vs5 Bases Allies or something) If you set bases to off and units to 1 it works fine.

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I have played RA since I was 7. (I play on cncnet as Superdude or Invincible.)

Thanks for the info.

I will try your map...

How do you make it happen? Using waypoints?

Also, do the units fire on you, are they computer controlled? Or do they just sit there. Is it like the "The Hills Have Eyes" map? Those units(crazy civilians) are hostile.

Could you disable crates to let the game keep pre-placed crates?

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The Hills Have Eyes uses an AI like singleplayer missions do.


Any units you place should be hostile unless you make it Sleep . To do this double click on the unit and select mission anc change it to Sleep.


I don't think there is any way to disable crates to  keep pre-placed crates.

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  On 3/20/2013 at 7:39 PM, Superdude said:


I have played RA since I was 7. (I play on cncnet as Superdude or Invincible.)

Thanks for the info.

I will try your map...

How do you make it happen? Using waypoints?

Also, do the units fire on you, are they computer controlled? Or do they just sit there. Is it like the "The Hills Have Eyes" map? Those units(crazy civilians) are hostile.

Could you disable crates to let the game keep pre-placed crates?


you can open it up in RAED and have a look, mostly for the Triggers I assume.

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