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Red Alert wont play, crashes using mouse


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I've installed Red Alert, but I can not play it.

The moment I use my mouse, the game cashes.


It works using the keyboard, and keeps working until I have to use the mouse.

So in another words, I get to start playing Allies, see the video with Tanya & co, the mission video.. But the moment I try to mark any unit, sound and picture crashes.


I use a laptop, Sony Vaio Multiflip

Windows 8.1 pro

Intel I-7

16 gb RAM

Nvidia Geforce GT 735


Could it be because I use the touchpad and not an external mouse?

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Try to disable cnc-ddraw. The game's colors will probably be messed up after it, but give it a try.


Go to the Red Alert folder, and rename ddraw.dll to ddraw.bak

Make sure Red Alert resolution in REDALERT.INI is supported by your screen.

launch the game.


To re-enable cnc-ddraw

Rename ddraw.bak to ddraw.dll

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