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lag issues


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So i posted this elsewhere in other topics but the issue seems to have not been picked up on.


I had been noticing sporadic lag in games but tonight was on a whole different level- much higher then we experienced on XWIS. The game would occasionally speed up for several seconds to a decent speed and then go back to lagging to the extreme which was unplayable. Most games must have averaged between 30-35 FPS. This was not in all games and we have had some games on CnCnet with very decent speeds. However, all games tonight were horrible.


I know everyone in the game has a sufficiently good connection to not cause such extreme lag from playing with them on XWIS. And i know people have configured their client to the best settings. Is there anything else we can do as players? Do the selection of tunneling servers make a difference?


Is there anything that could be improved server side? Why is the game not running at such a speed as say Gameranger? Players are coming across from other servers such as gameranger where they play with zero lag and complaining of speed issues (several players actually left 2 nights ago for this reason).  Suggestions? Hope this can be fixed or improved, either by our actions or improving the server.

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The best way to check yourself for lag is to test skirmish, whilst toggling the settings such as videobackbuffer.


1 - make a game with an AI. Play it, go to speed options and put speed to fastest.

2 - note the speed, how fast are buildings being built?

3 - exit, toggle the videobackbuffer and repeat the same to see if there is a difference.


Also since you're on XP, make sure you haven't got ddraw.dll in your folder. It's only really for windows >= 8

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Relating to the server issue: It could be that the tunnel servers are not being auto-selected by ping, instead by distance.  Iran is to investigate the lag issue further when he gets to it though so we'll wait for that result too.

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The best way to check yourself for lag is to test skirmish, whilst toggling the settings such as videobackbuffer.


1 - make a game with an AI. Play it, go to speed options and put speed to fastest.

2 - note the speed, how fast are buildings being built?

3 - exit, toggle the videobackbuffer and repeat the same to see if there is a difference.


Also since you're on XP, make sure you haven't got ddraw.dll in your folder. It's only really for windows >= 8


The videobackbuffer thing i have already toggled and tested in skirmish. I have even gone as far as putting detail level on its lowest setting and unchecking use graphics patch- no change. One thing i havent tried is lowering my resolution- but i dont really want to have to do this.


I'll have a look at ddraw.dll when im next on.


The reason i said it might have actually been me, is people said it got better when i left- but i think this is the case when nearly any players leaves the game- speed increases. They later said they were still having laggy games.


Could it be the client wasnt designed for XP?

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