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SiKiN's map corner (Multiplayer)


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I have created several maps before, just getting back into it seeing as I just found CnC5 has just gone live recently. First off is my first attempt at a marshy map, and secondly where the hell do I get the file (LOL).


So just a bit about what I do with my maps while I wait for a reply on the above:


3 Maps currently on mind, 1 map made(needs tile fixing see below).


-I like to screw with tiles to make new terrains, such as adjusting mud bridges to be longer and actual battlefields.

[Working on concept, issues so far are that with large groups some units get confused and cease orders given to the entire group when they are separated by bridge. Fixe involves changing tiles on large mud bridges to exit1/middle/outside/exit2 tiles for unit AI to function properly. So far only affects groups of units that are separated by bridge in question].


-Using concrete tile to resemble city, problems so far can't find smooth tiles to surround them with that don't initiate "destroy bridge" trigger.


-Finding Ore placement system on map that changes the meta of the game to that closer to a "Gold Mine" in Warcraft that does not deplete.

[issues so far using 1-4 ore tiles: Trucks will look to fill their remaining space elsewhere instead of re-mining the 1-4 spaces, 5 spaces causes less problems but is too fast for game play. Maybe ore-blocking tile is causing ore truck confusion?].


So anyway if you want to add any tile advice for what I'm trying to do that would be great otherwise if you are not sure what I'm getting at then stick around and subscribe to this post and I'll show you soon, I once made a map years ago that was entirely made from roads with some green locations located in the middle that were harboring crystals. I like themes to come from my maps. I am sticking as close to original as I can but of coarse as you can tell adding just a touch to make the maps more "modern".


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Really nice cut&pasting of individual tiles to smoothly make those splitting mud bridges off diagonal edges of land!  Just where the mud bridges join to straight horizontal or vertical edges could be smoother.


Personally I don't like infinite ore , but I did it once because I was actually recreating the Great Wall map from WC2 as closely as possible.


Putting the following in your map will make ore trucks take twice the time to gather a load of ore which might help manage it and alleviate your trouble with it.




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Yeah thanks for the compliment and positive feedback. I will try your solution with ore, I take it you understand what I'm after as I do not like this P4 thing people play but I'm not too keen on the ore running out either. So I'm trying to find a "Gold mine" system and hopefully your idea works. Because if it does I can than put more Harvesting locations throughout the maps so that players can expand and increase income strategically.


I think that "Y" bridge is causing the AI bug atm, like I stated many times it doesn't occur in small groups but in large groups units given the same order at the same time as other units in the group on the other side of the bridge will freeze and not respond like the rest of the group. I will redo some of the terrain on the mud bridges and hopefully it fixes the issue but I will always look to attune to how it "looks" but always making sure "working" is also possible.


TBH I strayed away from what I wanted in the map, I wanted the entire map to be a swampy mud marsh and still do, however after finding that units use certain AI to cross the terrain associated with the tiles on mud bridges that idea may have been completely burned. I hope someone has more information on tileset AI and if maybe the entering tile is the root cause. If so I can just re-frame from using it.

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I don't know if this will help but you might want to try modding this section of rules.  The mud is probably considered sandy beach.  You could make speed %'s the same for clear, rough, and beach.  I usually just fix the ranger being so slow by setting wheel for Clear up to 90 and increasing it by 10 in others.  But then I lower the actual speed setting for at least the demo truck so it isn't faster.  (Ranger, Demotruck, supply truck, MCV, and MGG are wheeled).  Unfortunately giving a foot% for ridge to let infantry slowly climb ridges doesn't seem to work right.  But setting float to say 50% for river does allow ships to travel rivers (The mod MNS retaliation does this).


; clear grassy terrain

; rocky terrain

; roads

; open water

; cliffs

; walls and other man made obstacles

; ore (Tiberium)

; sandy beach

; craggy riverbed


Also if you increase this, to .064 for example, harvesters should pause a bit when they finish collecting before they return to the refinery.  Something else to play with.



Also there are new theaters besides TEMPERATE and SNOW to play with.  WINTER and DESERT from TD have been added as well as totally new ones JUNGLE and BARREN.  But when we cut&paste tiles so much, maps can look messed up if you try to change to another theater so Barren doesn't look right for yours, though it has murky green water.  Winter is similar to temp with little bits of frost and snow.

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