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  1. One man's derailment is another's happy excursion.
  2. Different scale for speed. My old comparisons from racing units: http://xo.cncguild.net/cnc/speed.txt
  3. Had trouble getting Red Dawn 2014 to work on newer Win 10 comp and posted about it on the wrong topic instead of this one. https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/11069-any-features-of-irans-additional-hacks-make-it-into-the-official-cncnet-ra95exe/ Quick answer thanks to FunkyFr3sh: Deleting wsock32.dll worked for me but there's other tips there.
  4. Deleted wsock32.dll and it worked immediately. Thanks! EDIT: Oops posted all this Red Dawn stuff on the wrong topic.
  5. Damn, I can't get Red Dawn 2014 to work my newer Win 10 computer. I try to run ra95.exe or run from the launcher and I see the windows loading cursor a bit and then nothing happens. Sometimes it just runs a little in the background under processes (but not applications running). It was working fine on my older Win 7 computer. The current CnCNet RA1 works fine though. Anyone have some tips to get Red Dawn working, possibly mixing the installations?
  6. A merged TD and RA would be incredible. Much like the ZDoom source ports with Decorate and/or Zscript allow you to merge Doom, Heretic, Hexen, and Strife things easily together at once (with some work). I tried my crossover maps with the remaster that use TD unit gfx provided by CnCNet's spawn.mix. Unfortunately in HD mode the changed units appeared as white boxes and in regular view they appeared unchanged. Bummer they didn't provide that capability out of the box, though mods surely make more possible. Also had some other weird problems but managed to play them some. Funny, in XS-BreakOwnzTheseCrates?, ore trucks changed to flame tanks did appear as blurry flame tanks in HD mode since RA1 actually always did contain the flame tank gfx, but stayed looking like ore trucks in classic mode. Unfortunately my custom msgs for sinking ships appeared as other msgs or as Objective # complete. So apparently Image= is simply disabled for classic view.
  7. Back when he figured out how to customize paratrooper drops in maps, I encountered a glitch with saving and loading a skirmish game where a flame tower was dropped. So he quickly made a modified RA95.exe where you can purposely set up maps to paradrop buildings. I think some buildings still couldn't dropped and another would drop instead though. Then there was another experimental exe I think also by him where you could actually add more units instead of just modifying existing ones. Any of these or others make it into the regular RA95.exe, in about the last five years? Of course with the possibilities opened up by redalert.dll being open source, things could go anywhere (much like the Doom source port/mod scene). Also, in some maps' rules I tried changing the 500 vehicle/100 ship caps to 300/300, but it wouldn't work and the only way you could get more than 100 ships in a map is by paradropping them (which has to be against landable beach to work for ships). Wondering if there's been any development with that. Obviously if a couple players quick build about 40 ships, the others are up ****'s Creek.
  8. Here's a web archive of the old forum topic. The download links seem to be dead, even copying & pasting them without the web-archive or multiple instances of %20 I can see what I have on another computer and upload them to mediafire. EDIT EDIT: current thread Red Dawn is a stand alone game by itself. In the meantime while I look for those files, there's a smaller mod called RA to CnC v2.0. You can find it here: http://ra.afraid.org/html/downloads/mods-2.html I thought it had some problems. I don't remember what, so there's also a patch for it by me there (under my alternate name Gokuma) EDIT: OK here's the Red Dawn 2014 files. Scanned them with Eset first. I never tried the older Red Dawn 2012 and don't have those files. http://www.mediafire.com/file/0rxmmkf61vvviz2/Red_Dawn_2014_Installer.exe/file 49 MB http://www.mediafire.com/file/zsl1ubty5kqjghf/Red_Dawn_2014_Music_Installer.exe/file 62 MB http://www.mediafire.com/file/4yp9l0yrvqodcyo/Red_Dawn_2014_Videos_Installer.exe/file 180 MB And here's some maps I made for it allowing GDI vs Allies vs Nod vs Soviets and reimplementing airfields in some maps but as capturable only: http://xo.cncguild.net/rdxo.html
  9. Just updated nearly every file on the previous post and on my site: http://xo.cncguild.net or https://gokuma.neocities.org/ Fixed a couple weapon warheads to what they should be (Advanced Guard Tower and Mobile Rocket Launcher should have HE for warhead while the weapons I set them to had AP in the normal rules. So I added the proper Warhead=HE to override it under [APTusk] used by MRLS and [Hellfire] used by AGT in the rules: That just leaves the problem of Chronotank's having HE instead of AP since I made them use the Mammoth Tank's missiles instead of APTusk. I'm just out of weapons to juggle there unfortunately. Except XV - Cross Up Vehicles rules and maps were just fine. And Lunar rules always had the Chronotank still set to APTusk which is supposed to be AP in those rules, but Advanced Guard Tower needed to be fixed. Also way back I made an expanded XS-Break Ownz These Crates? with custom rules. (I had nothing to do with the original Break Ownz at Crates.) It was on my Sole Survivor in RA page but I don't think many people saw it so I added it to my main CNC XO page. I figure I'll put here too. xsbcrate.mpr
  10. Has anyone seen that they're releasing the source code to TiberianDawn.dll and RedAlert.dll under GPL version 3.0 license?! https://www.neowin.net/news/tiberian-dawn-and-red-alert-will-be-partially-open-sourced-alongside-remaster-launch
  11. I only got to play C&C Sole Survivor a little while before the servers went down and didn't get to try all its modes but it was pretty cool having every unit controlled by a player. Plus some of the more elusive units made an appearance. Isn't it the only game where you could play as a Viceroid, or at least the classic style Viceroid? Hopefully it wouldn't be too big a project to build it into the remasters.
  12. Awesome! Looks and sounds like a C&C. Should be cool to once again skillfully control an individual unit in a huge team or in a huge free-for-all!
  13. Just be careful about combining diet soda with those! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igSE5_Nce28 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8r6P0HiPwU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wfppG7Tt0k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwNxIS4mlQU
  14. That is pretty damn awesome. I liked the whole load of new scenery with the dam, bridges, shoreline, and even some new ridges. I tried making the truck(train) larger with Image=MGG but there's trails if you select it.
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