Holland Posted April 13, 2017 Share Posted April 13, 2017 BILINGUAL PEOPLE! ENGLISH AND SPANISH! We are gonna create A SPANISH VERSION, of Final Alert and Final Sun. It is alot of work to translate all of it, so please just translate what you want to translate, even if its just a few lines, just reply on this topic with your translated sections, and we will build from there! Thanks! Replace the english words after the = symbol [English-StringsRA2] GrTibObList=Ore and Gems BlTibObList=Gems DrawRanTibObList=Paint random field DrawTibObList=Paint Ore DrawTib2ObList=Paint Gems IncTibSizeObList=Increase size DecTibSizeObList=Decrease size FileRunTiberianSunHelp=Launch C&C Red Alert 2 Err_TSNotInstalled=Red Alert 2 is not correctly installed (ra2.mix could not be loaded) GroundSandObListURB=Bright pavement GroundRoughObListURB=Soil GroundGreenObListURB=Grass GroundPaveObListURB=Dark pavement GroundClearObListTEM=Bright grass GroundRoughObListTEM=Dark grass GroundGreenObListTEM=Sand GroundClearObListSNO=Snow GroundSandObListSNO=Dirty snow GroundRoughObListSNO=Grass GroundGreenObListSNO=Ice GroundRoughObListUBN=Dark grass GroundGreenObListUBN=Sand GroundPave2ObListUBN=Urban pavement ;SAVEDLG_FILETYPES=RA2 maps|*.mpr%8*.map%8*.mmx|RA2 multi maps|*.mpr|RA2 single maps|*.map|RA2 multiplayer map extensions|*.mmx| ;SAVEDLG_FILETYPES=RA2 maps|*.mpr%8*.map%8*.mmx|RA2 multiplayer map extension (*.mmx)|*.mmx|RA2 multiplayer map (*.mpr)|*.mpr|RA2 singleplayer map (*.map)|*.map| ;SAVEDLG_FILETYPES_YR=RA2 maps|*.mpr%8*.yrm%8*.map%8*.mmx|RA2 multiplayer map extension (*.mmx)|*.mmx|RA2 multiplayer map (*.mpr)|*.mpr|RA2:YR multiplayer map (*.yrm)|*.yrm|RA2 singleplayer map (*.map)|*.map| SAVEDLG_FILETYPES_YR=All maps|*.mpr%8*.yrm%8*.map%8*.mmx|Yuri's Revenge Multiplayer maps|*.yrm|RA2 Multiplayer maps|*.mpr%8*.mmx|Singleplayer maps|*.map| BigTrackBridgeObList=High wood bridge Allied=Allied Soviet=Soviet Yuri=Yuri Other=Other BasicTiberiumGrowthEnabled=Growing Ore: SingleplayerFillSilos=Fill refineries: [English-Strings] ; messages for message boxes Err_InsufficientResources=Because of insufficient resources at least one dialog wasn´t created. You should restart Windows. The program will now quit... Tip: You should quit any programs before you start %9. Also, restarting Windows may help. Err_TSNotInstalled=Tiberian Sun is not correctly installed (TibSun.mix could not be loaded) Err_CreateErr=Window could not be created. You should try to close other windows first. MainDialogExitQuestion=Are you sure that you want to quit the program? Changes will not be saved! MainDialogExitQuestionCap=Quit %9 AttachMapToShell=.map and/or .mpr files are currently attached to another program. Do you want that %9 opens all .map and .mpr files when you double click on them? AddHouse=Please set the ID of the house (like GDI or Nod): AddHouseCap=Add House DeleteHouse=Are you sure that you want to delete the house %1? DeleteHouseCap=Delete house SE2KNotInstalled=SunEdit 2k is not installed on this system. SE2KWrongVersion=The version of SunEdit 2k you have does not support %9. SE2KRegWrong=Registry settings are wrong. RestartNeeded=To apply all changes, you need to restart %9 ReInitPic=The graphics must be reloaded. This may take some time, please be patient. ReInitPicCap=Reloading graphics StrChangeHeight=Enter the height difference that is applied to every field. The value must be between %1 and %2 StrChangeHeightCap=Change height StrChangeHeightErr=Cannot change map height, as this exceeds the height limits. StrChangeHeightErrCap=Error ExplainEasyView=%9 automatically starts in beginner mode. Some advanced editing features are not available in this mode, although they are supported in the advanced mode. To activate the advanced mode, disable the option "Beginner mode" in the options menu. ExplainEasyViewCap=Beginner mode FileSaved=Map saved as "%1" ; general strings OK=OK Cancel=Cancel None=None Yes=Yes No=No ; YRM NeedsYR=This map will need Yuri's Revenge to be played. ; name replacements N_AMRADR=American Air Force Command HQ N_SENGINEER=Soviet Engineer N_ENGINEER=Allied Engineer N_YENGINEER=Yuri Engineer N_SCHD=Deployed Siege Helicopter N_GACSPH=Chronosphere N_CALOND04=London Parliament N_CALOND05=London Big Ben N_CATRAN03=Trans Fortress ; saving dialog SAVEDLG_FILETYPES=TS maps|*.mpr%8*.map|TS multi maps|*.mpr|TS single maps|*.map| ; tool tip strings TT_TriggerHouse=Defines the house the trigger applies to ; error strings for map validation MV_NoMap=This is no map MV_NoBasic=Basic settings don´t exist MV_NoName=The map has no name (Edit->Basic) MV_PackMissing=One or more packs (like IsoMapPack5 or OverlayPack) are missing. Tiberian Sun probably won´t accept the map. MV_>100Waypoint=The map has at least one waypoint with an ID greater than 99 MV_HousesButNoPlayer=Houses are defined, but the human player is not set up correctly MV_HousesInMultiplayer=This seems to be a multiplayer map with houses MV_HousesNoWaypoints=Multiplayermaps need the waypoints 0-7 as starting locations MV_TriggerMissing=Trigger %1 missing (Linked by %2 %3) MV_TaskForceMissing=Taskforce %1 missing (Linked by Teamtype %2) MV_ScripttypeMissing=Scripttype %1 missing (Linked by Teamtype %2) MV_TagMissing=Tag %1 missing (Linked by %2 %3) MV_OfficialYes=Official is set to yes - automatic map transfer disabled (ignore this warning when saving as MMX map) MV_Not8Waypoints=Only for RA2 before version 1.005: Official is set to no, but not all waypoints 0-7 do exist (probably random starting points, ignore this warning when saving as MMX map) ; tip dialog CG_IDS_DIDYOUKNOW=Did you know... CG_IDS_FILE_ABSENT=Tips file not found CG_IDP_FILE_CORRUPT=Syntax error in the tips file TipDialogNext=Next tip TipDialogShowAtStartup=Show tips at program start TipDialogClose=Close TipDialogCaption=Tip of the day ; main dialog strings MainDialogCaption=%9 MainDialogCaptionRA2=%9 NoMapLoaded=No map loaded NewMap=New map FileNewHelp=Start new map assistant FileOpenHelp=Open a already existing map FileSaveHelp=Save map FileSaveAsHelp=Save map with another filename FileCheckMapHelp=Check the map for possible errors FileImportModHelp=Import a *.rul - Mod in the map FileQuitHelp=Quit %9 FileRunTiberianSunHelp=Launch C&C 2 Tiberian Sun HelpInfoHelp=Show information about %9 HelpTipOfTheDayHelp=Show Tip of the Day SE2KLaunchHelp=Launch SunEdit 2000 OptionsShowMapViewHelp=Show the isometric map view SE2KShowWebsiteHelp=Show the homepage of SunEdit 2000 TabBasic=Basic TabSingleplayerSettings=Additional TabMap=Map TabLighting=Lighting TabSpecial=Special TabHouses=Houses TabTaskForces=Task forces TabScriptTypes=Scripts TabTeamTypes=Team types TabTriggers=Trigger TabTags=Tags TabAITriggers=AI Trigger TabAITriggerEnable=Enable AI Trigger TabOther=All ; new map dialog NewMapDesc=At the moment you need to specify a map that provides the mappack information needed for the ground NewMapBrowse=Browse NewMapMultiplayer=Multiplayer map NewMapPrepareStandardHouses=Prepare standard houses NewMapSetAutoProduction=Add Auto-Production triggers NewMapPlayerHouse=Player house NewMapImportOptions=Import options NewMapImportTrees=Import trees NewMapImportOverlay=Import overlay NewMapImportUnits=Import units NewMapCap=Assistant for new map ; map-validator dialog MapValidatorProblemsFound=The following possible problems have been found: MapValidatorCap=Check map ; basic dialog BasicDesc=Note: Some settings may be ignored. BasicName=Name: BasicNextScenario=Next scenario: BasicAltNextScenario=Alt. next scenario: BasicNewIniFormat=New INI format: BasicCarryOverCap=CarryOverCap ?: BasicEndOfGame=End of game: BasicSkipScore=Skip score stats: BasicOneTimeOnly=One time only: BasicSkipMapSelect=Skip map selection: BasicOfficial=Official: BasicIgnoreGlobalAITriggers=Ignore global AI Triggers: BasicTruckCrate=Crate for destroyed trucks: BasicTrainCrate=Crate for destroyed trains: BasicPercent=Percent (money?): BasicMultiplayerOnly=Only Multiplayer: BasicTiberiumGrowthEnabled=Growing tiberium: BasicVeinGrowthEnabled=Growing veins: BasicIceGrowthEnabled=Growing ice: BasicTiberiumDeathToVisceroid=Visceroid because of death in tiberium: BasicFreeRadar=Free radar: BasicInitTime=Initial time: BasicAddOnNeeded=Addon needed: ; mapinfo dialog MapDesc=General map properties: MapSizeFrame=Map size MapSize=Size of the whole map, used for MapPack. MapVisibleSizeFrame=Visible area MapVisibleSize=Visible area of the map. Format: Left, Top, Width, Height. MapTheater=Theater: ; singleplayer basics dialog SingleplayerDesc=Additional settings regarding a singleplayer map. SingleplayerStartingDropships=Dropships at start: SingleplayerCarryOverMoney=Inherit money: SingleplayerTimerInherit=Inherit timer: SingleplayerFillSilos=Fill silos: SingleplayerMovies=Movies SingleplayerIntro=Intro: SingleplayerBrief=Briefing: SingleplayerWin=Won: SingleplayerLose=Lost: SingleplayerAction=Action: SingleplayerPostScore=After score screen: SingleplayerPreMapSelect=Pre map select screen: ; houses dialog HousesDesc=Houses are the different players, AI and humans. If this is a multiplayer map, don´t create any new houses here! If this is a singleplayer map and if there are no houses yet, click on "Standard houses" first, create your additional houses if you need some, and then choose the human player (don´t forget to activate "Player control" for this house)! HousesPlayerHouse=House of human player: HousesHouse=Current house: HousesIQ=IQ: HousesEdge=Map edge: HousesSide=Side: HousesColor=Color: HousesAllies=Allies: HousesAlliesHelp=List all allied houses like that: GDI,Nod,Neutral HousesCredits=Money (x100): HousesActsLike=Acts like HousesNodeCount=Node count: HousesTechlevel=Technology level: HousesBuildActivity=Build activity (%): HousesPlayerControl=Player control: HousesPrepareHouses=Standard houses HousesAddHouse=New house HousesDeleteHouse=Delete house ; loading dialog LoadLoadRules=Loading rules LoadLoadAI=Loading AI settings LoadLoadArt=Loading art LoadLoadEva=Loading speeches LoadLoadTheme=Loading themes LoadLoadTutorial=Loading tutorial.ini LoadLoadSound=Loading sounds LoadLoadSnow=Loading Temperat.ini LoadLoadTemperat=Loading Snow.ini LoadLoadUrban=Loading Urban.ini LoadLoading=Loading LoadBuiltBy=Built by: LoadVersion=Version: LoadInfo=For more infos, contact [email protected] LoadInitDDraw=Initializing Direct Draw 6 LoadInitPics=Loading Graphics LoadExtractStdMixFiles=Opening std. MIX files (may take some time) ; iso view IsoCaption=Map view ; iso view status bar StructStatus=Structure: InfStatus=Infantry: AirStatus=Aircraft: UnitStatus=Vehicle: OvrlStatus=Overlay: OvrlDataStatus=Overlay-Data: CellTagStatus=CellTag: TilePlaceStatus=Ctrl: Fill mode, Shift: continuous drawing, Ctrl+Shift: no auto smoothing of LAT or coast/shore CopyHelp=Please specify the area that you want to be copied by clicking on the start and end position ; iso view object/unit list NothingObList=Nothing GroundObList=Ground GroundClearObList=Clear GroundSandObList=Ground 1 GroundRoughObList=Ground 2 GroundGreenObList=Ground 3 GroundPaveObList=Pavement GroundWaterObList=Water NewTunnelObList=Create tunnel DelTunnelObList=Delete tunnel TunnelObList=Tunnels InfantryObList=Infantry VehiclesObList=Vehicles AircraftObList=Aircraft StructuresObList=Buildings TerrainObList=Terrain objects SmudgesObList=Smudges TreesObList=Trees TrafficLightsObList=Traffic lights SignsObList=Signs LightPostsObList=Light posts RndTreeObList=Paint random trees OverlayObList=Special / Overlay DelOvrlObList=Erase Overlay DelOvrl0ObList=Erase single field DelOvrl1ObList=Erase with 1-field radius DelOvrl2ObList=Erase with 2-field radius DelOvrl3ObList=Erase with 3-field radius GrTibObList=Tiberium BlTibObList=Blue Tiberium DrawRanTibObList=Paint random tiberium field DrawTibObList=Paint green tiberium DrawTib2ObList=Paint blue tiberium IncTibSizeObList=Increase tiberium size DecTibSizeObList=Decrease tiberium size VeinholeObList=Veinhole monster VeinsObList=Veins BridgesObList=Bridges BigBridgeObList=Big bridge (in the air) SmallBridgeObList=Small bridge (at the ground) BigTrackBridgeObList=Big track bridge (in the air) SmallConcreteBridgeObList=Small concrete bridge OthObList=Other AllObList=All overlay OvrlManuallyObList=Set overlay manually (not recommended) OvrlDataManuallyObList=Set overlay data manually (not recommended) WaypointsObList=Waypoints CreateWaypObList=Create waypoint CreateSpecWaypObList=Create waypoint with special ID DelWaypObList=Delete waypoint StartpointsObList=Player locations StartpointsPlayerObList=Player %1 StartpointsDelete=Delete player location CelltagsObList=Celltags CreateCelltagObList=Create celltag DelCelltagObList=Delete celltag CelltagPropObList=Edit celltag properties BaseNodesObList=Base nodes CreateNodeNoDelObList=Create node and don´t delete building CreateNodeDelObList=Create node and delete building DelNodeObList=Delete node DelObjObList=Delete objects ChangeOwnerObList=Change owner ; celltag dialog CellTagCap=Cell tag CellTagDesc=Use a celltag to attach a specific cell to a tag: CellTagTag=Attached tag: ; aircraft dialog AirCap=Aircraft options AirDesc= AirHouse=Owner: AirStrength=Strength: AirState=State: AirDirection=Direction: AirTag=Attached tag: AirP1=Veteran status: AirP2=Group: AirP3=Recruitable: AirP4=AI recruitable: ; structure dialog StructCap=Structure options StructDesc=To add upgrades to this building, first set the upgrade count and then set the upgrades, beginning with upgrade 1. StructHouse=Owner: StructStrength=Strength: StructDirection=Direction: StructTag=Attached tag: StructP1=Sellable: StructAIRepairs=Rebuild:; sheek! that´s wrong... well... doesn´t really matter, just think it is Param2 StructEnergy=Energy- support: StructUpgradeCount=Upgradecount: StructSpotlight=Spotlight: StructUpgrade1=Upgrade 1: StructUpgrade2=Upgrade 2: StructUpgrade3=Upgrade 3: StructP2=AI repairs: StructP3=Show name: ; unit dialog UnitCap=Vehicle UnitDesc= UnitHouse=Owner: UnitStrength=Strength: UnitState=State: UnitDirection=Direction: UnitTag=Attached tag: UnitP1=Veteran status: UnitP2=Group: UnitP3=On bridge: UnitP4=Follows ID: UnitP5=Recruitable: UnitP6=AI recruitable: ; infantry dialog InfCap=Infantry InfDesc= InfHouse=Owner: InfStrength=Strength: InfPos=Field pos: InfState=State: InfDirection=Direction: InfTag=Attached tag: InfP1=Veteran status: InfP2=Group: InfP3=On Bridge: InfP4=Recruitable: InfP5=AI recruitable: ; Now some translations from english to the used language (used for some combo-boxes, menus/listviews and of course unit names) ; currently used for: menu, iso-view status bar, unit/building/stuff list, overlay browser, terrain browser ; FA2:YR FinalAlert 2 Fansite link=%9 Fansite link FinalAlert 2 Forum=%9 Forum [English-TranslationsRA2] Tiberium=Ore Run Tiberian Sun=Run Red Alert 2 Tiberium Tree=Ore mine Countries=Houses; For the edit->houses dialog FinalSun Homepage=FinalAlert Homepage FinalSun support forum=FinalAlert support forum AutoCreate shores=Automatically create shore (AutoShore) Tiberium (Blue)=Ore Tiberium (Green)=Ore [English-Translations] ; tooltips Make terrain flat=Flatten ground Raise a single tile=Raise single field (Not recommended!) Lower a single tile=Lower single field (Not recommended!) AutoCreate shores=Automatically create shore (only supported in FinalAlert) Autocreate shores=Automatically create shore (AutoShore) AutoLevel terrain height using cliffs=AutoLevel ground height using cliffs Auto level using cliffs=AutoLevel ground height using cliffs ; other Bridge 1=Bridge topleft-bottomright Bridge 2=Bridge bottomleft-topright Railroad Bridge 1=Railroad bridge topleft-bottomright Railroad Bridge 2=Railroad bridge bottomleft-topright Wood Bridge 1=Wood bridge topleft-bottomright Wood Bridge 2=Wood bridge bottomleft-topright Easy mode=Beginner mode ; FA2:YR FinalAlert 2 Fansite link=%9 Fansite link FinalAlert 2 Forum=%9 Forum Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Holland Posted June 1, 2017 Author Share Posted June 1, 2017 Porque no? lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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