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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. So is it possible to make a coop campaign that you can select in multiplayer? (Not the individual maps, I mean like the dinosaur missions in the New Missions selector, with the maps being played in succession) Either way, I'd like to help you guys get all the missions out! It's been forever since I used the map editor though. Maybe you should write a tutorial on how to convert. EDIT: I assume the same thing can be done for Red Alert?
  2. C&C3, imo, is where it all ended. I'm looking forward to the C&C4 mod, the rightful C&C4. I think every fan out there who despises what EA has done should get together and make the REAL epic conclusion.
  3. I thought it was Mobile Rocket Launcher System?
  4. My only question: How can I help? I have no experience in the actual Renegade modding field, but I am a beta tester for Tiberian Dawn Redux. (I'm not even sure if you're close to a beta yet though)
  5. PM him about it. I don't see anything wrong.
  6. He may be talking about UV Maps. http://vegastrike.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php?title=HowTo:Unwrap#What_is_a_UV_map.3F
  7. For the coloring issue, check the boxes on disable visual themes and disable desktop composition.
  8. Sorry, I should have added the updated ini.
  9. If I look in the original missions, I don't learn much. I learn better by solving problems myself. In the hunt celltriggers, there is no mistake. I know it makes all the AI go to hunt. The house is set to GoodGuy, who must activate the trigger.
  10. I think pretty soon I'll have to make a universal topic for all these map questions I have. Load this map into ccmap and tell me how I did. 1. Airstrike superweapon doesn't work when I destroy all SAMs. 2. This is basic stuff until I get it off the ground. No complex teamtypes. 3. Some of the map tiles look off; this is a human error and I will correct it when I know the more important things work. scg21ea.zip
  11. I've used a few apache groups to take out small light tank rushes as well as humvee rushes.
  12. Ah, there wasn't a video set for start. That might have been it.
  13. For the last one, the only video I had set was GAMEOVER, if you lose. I haven't tried without any videos, but when the video was set, the game froze as soon as I clicked "Start New Game".
  14. Thanks, it works now! What is the significance of the first number after the teamtype command? (Attack Base:0,0,0) *I saw that with the apache reinforcements the number indicated how long the apaches attacked the base. They stayed even when they were out of ammo. Not sure if this is the same for created teams. So there's no way to make a win possible only if GDI and Nod are destroyed? *It it possible to swap special with a multi# house, just for the color? I want it different than yellow or red. COMPLETELY OFF-TOPIC: I named the file scg01ea (first gdi campaign mission) and when I went to start a new campaign for gdi the game froze. What's up with that?
  15. I know that. Thanks for solving the teamtype error, I don't think there's even an option to specify how many of them will be created. I assumed '0' meant produce infinite times. By the way, that "rule" I stated earlier was referring to the trigger research link you posted in the mapping tutorials forum.
  16. Ah, so it overrides the rule that the rigger house must be the same as the teamtype house? Huh. Odd. Anyway, here's an update. I just took the a10s out for simplicity. Autocreate still doesn't work, and Awin still doesn't work. *Production and Autocreate triggers are there for both teams because they need to be. Otherwise, (I tested this) one side won't do anything. (I deleted Nod's production trigger and left GDI's as you said, Nyerguds) *The flare trigger is only there for testing. It's so I can see the base at the start of the map, so I know if autocreate works or not.
  17. 1000 is like 5 minutes right? It takes much longer than that to finish the mission. Nyerguds, why would I put all timed triggers to the player? That completely negates the AI's triggers.
  18. The start teamtypes are there because I can't set them to None in ccmap. 1. The a10s don't work for some reason. 2. Autocreate isn't working. 3. My Awin trigger doesn't work properly. I destroyed GDI before Nod and won with Nod still on the map.
  19. Special house happens to be the dinosaur's side. It has a T-Rex logo. (It doesn't have a score screen though, but the game didn't freeze; just went back to the main menu) As long as the AI doesn't care about sides, then good. I can use anything. But for the player, I'll be using special. So if I'm understanding autocreate correctly, the AI will create a random team at a random time? Awin trigger is the allow win. I read in a manual somewhere that allow win had to be activated before the mission could be won.
  20. I don't want to overwrite CovertOps missions, but I need a place to put my 15 "special house" campaign missions. Also, take a look at this: GDIa-GDIc (NODa-NODc) are all teamtypes that I want the AI to build randomly. I thought the Autocreate trigger would randomize it, but the teams won't build at all. (Production was started for both GDI and Nod, and both sides have all the necessary structures) Also, is there a way to change the color of the special house? Right now it's defaulted at gold, which is GDI's color.
  21. I did some tests, and discovered that the special house does indeed work for the AI. Now if only I could figure out how to import RA1 units...
  22. GDI spy planes have discovered a Nod installation in the Pacific. An MCV is on it's way. Liquidate Nod from the island. Leave no trace, commander. My first real SP mission. Still in Beta mode as I haven't gotten the teamtypes and triggers for the teamtypes worked out yet. (Production still exists though so maybe Nod will surprise you) It's hard even without Nod attacking you, so enjoy! (P.S. You don't get an extra MCV if your first one is destroyed. I haven't got that trigger working yet) SPOILERS! And for those of you who don't feel like playing the mission... http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/279/scg21ea.png scg21ea.zip
  23. Yeah, I want the AI to be able to use both superweapons. Anyway, I made another map. This time I wanted to learn how to make reinforcements come in via hovercraft. I don't think I did it right... EDIT: Fixed.
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