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  • Birthday 01/01/1971

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  1. Someone played all SP missions in Tibeiran Dawn, from this collection and the Steam collection, Check it out: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1213210/discussions/0/4153959587254364400/
  2. I haven't but I was aware it was possible to add it, don't remember why I haven't done it. Gonna put it now and leave it there, I guess it won't mess with CnC Remastered.
  3. So, some last moves here: Mission Index is permanently ONLINE now via Google Docs; I'm writing a guide in STEAM about it; The pandemics is trying to bankrupt my business here, so I have very few time available. I'll spent it only to bring the missions from the HUGE Collection to STEAM, 9 missions at a time; I've added the Remastered parameter to most missions, so they are playable in Remastered; In the other hand, many of them uses parameters only available in the 1.06 C patch, so they don't work in the Remastered; There is an even higher number that is simply crashing in the Remastered, although playable in the 1.06C patch; Basically, when I find great missions playable in Steam, I publish; When I find time to investigate, I'll have a look, but I have a lot of things before that. That's it for now.
  4. If I ever came across with it, it was either a irreparable mission or a savegame. The name is not strange to me, but given there is a multiplayer file with similar name, might be it.
  5. You should check your medicine. How can you say something that is missing is mine and/or how could you fix it? Again, you're imagining enemies. Maybe many maps that XCC didn't open then, are openable now, I just didn't have the time to check it. Nothing is hidden in this collection. Check this post from 2012 - I'm asking you again: if you want to have your own project or if you don't wanna wait for me, go ahead and create your own thread about it. If you want to help in this thread, have manners or at least don't keep making false assumptions. If you can't control your delusions, it will be difficult to credit your hard work later. Stop annoying everybody, Don Quixote.
  6. Hi, The main catalog (CnC95-Catalog.zip) present in these 2 links below are updated with the line "Solomission=True" in the Basic Section: - MIX files format - Index link ::: Link1 | Link2 - drop at C:\...\Steam\SteamApps\Common\CnCRemastered\Data\CNCDATA\TIBERIAN_DAWN\CUSTOMMAPS The update includes GDI missions from SCG100 up to SCG300 and Nod mission from SCB100 up to SCB180, for the moment. A new catalog in the format used by the CNCRemastered (no MIX files, only raw files BIN+INI) is going to be published later on. The collection on Steam is being uploaded one by one and the missions will be selected out of order, according to how interesting or difficult they are and also, after a map revision. Campaigns and mini-campaigns are on stand by, as well as many other stand alone missions. The collection is oriented to the old missions, the contemporary map makers are not the focus once they are present and willing to publish their missions themselves. New missions pot-remastered being presented on Steam are out of plans of inclusion for the moment. Greetings!
  7. Don't laugh too much, but I'm only using the stock editor to zoom in. Now I'm editing some maps before (re-)releasing on Steam.
  8. What an irony, it's fixed, like 1m after I published this.
  9. Well, this is a false statement. You clearly opened only the master ZIP file. All inner collections, like SCG100, still have their own original files, since day one of this project, so ppl could compare them, if desired. Much later on, as requested by the community, I started providing a master file to make their life easier. Pls, if possible, don't ruin this thread, it's really not my ownership or copyright. There is no need to feel envy once I ain't a surrogate of your inner enemy. That's a product of your own. Sculpt it into something else, it will pay off. Hi Dark, as of now, I suggest to keep using XCC for map creation and the stock editor for direct publishing on Steam. This is what I feel about it, didn't spent time enough in the new editor. Btw, I'm waiting Steam or EA to update the editor, once the maps are not coming in-game as supposed to be. Don't know what's going on. Once you publish a mission on Steam, let us know.
  10. Well, this type is nothing new. I don't get offended, but this is a childish behavior for someone defending third parties. If you're someone I know and you're making fun, I don't know the context, so it doesn't look like funny. If not, too weird, honestly, I don't get the point either.
  11. Vixe, Forgot to mention the easiest part. Copy and Paste all *.bin and *.ini files in a folder like: C:\User\Documents\CnCRemastered\Local_Custom_Maps\Tiberian_Dawn Then open the MAP Editor (after launching the game, the option will appear), open a mission you droped there by choosing the *.ini file, and then, in the FILE list, besides "save" and "save as", you'll have "publish". The rest is intuitive ...
  12. Hi @Darkstar387, thanks for the kind words and hoping to see you soon on Steam. I put a sample in there, just look out for the HUGE collection, only 1 mission at this point to test the platform too. It's easy to upload, you use the map editor directly for that and, in that sense, it's easier than at least I was used to do when organizing and publishing the files here. The only drawback is that you have to upload each mission at a time, but i am the only one severely harmed for an obvious reason. Maybe you and @MattAttack either? You both have by now a large collection. But you still can put them together as a collection inside the platform, although each one still separated. The platform tells that, depending the configuration you choose for the collection, it will update on the subscriber side everything that is in the collection. But then, there's the other option that I didn't understand yet. Also, I'm waiting @Nyerguds tell us what's gonna happen to his project once I have some misions with Snow theater and/or different colorschemes. You don't say! I'm working weekends now since mid march, only one or two I was able to stop. I'll be uploading missions slowly, but it'll be fun anyway.
  13. Hey White, Good luck on your channel, see you around soon after the launch , I have "my" project to update and upload on Steam. I'll probably be able to check the streaming, but this virus crisis turn some things upside down a little bit, I'm working more now than in normal days.
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