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Everything posted by Allen262
To me the save "Error." has to do with time that the map is open and amount of all things in the map/single player missions.
I sent a thing to Kaspersky a few years ago and they fixed it. Looks like the mistake is back. They should have a place to report false postives.
EdWin is basic as it was made to be basic. My understanig is tha EdWin at one time was used by WW to make full mission but they striped a lot of things out. RAED can do everything that EdWin can and more. Also depending in what version of Edwin you have you may be able to open Desert, Jungle and Winter maps. If you can't get the update here. http://forums.cncnz.com/topic/19124-edwin-map-editor-patches-high-resolution-patch-and-more/ The EdWin looks bugged with Barren and both Caves
The error also effects the stock Temperate, Interior and Snow and also happened before the CnCNet team hack RAED to add Desert, Jungle and Winter. Red Alert 1 has built in map editor. Red Alert Terrain Editor (EdWin.exe) but right now I think it only supports Temperate and Snow as no one has gotten around to hacking it in detail. I know Funky did some hacking on it and may have a version that supports Desert, Jungle or Winter.
That error has been around since before CnC Net and was fround in the vary first RAED. I remember this error back to 1999/2000 when I first started modding. Also the person that made RAED is unknown to me and probly hasn't been around since 1999/2000 as well. The CnC Net version of RAED has been hack/reverse engineered to add Desert, Jungle and Winter.
I know that RAED dose like to kick "Error." after map has been open for a long time. Any time RAED shows "Error." when you try to save. Go to File and Save as and save the map with a new file name. Make sure it now says "Saved." in the okay box. If it dose go into your RA folder and find the old map and delete it. If you open the old map with notepad or wordpad it will be blank. Also if RAED shows "Error." when you try to save. Click on the "T" by the mini-map. This will open the map as text. You can copy all of the text by using Ctrl+A to select all text than use Ctrl+C to copy the text on to the PCs clip board. You than paste the text into notepad or wordpad. Close RAED and Restat. With RAED Click on the "T" by the mini-map. With RAEDs text edit window open delet all text than use Ctrl+V to paste the text you copied.
Not a bug that I know off. Sould odd. Is RAED saying "Saved." in the okay box?
Installing mission from an old unofficial RA1 expansion
Allen262 replied to TaxOwlbear's topic in Red Alert
True but maybe Iran can by pass the (Old) lock out and force the game to load the file anyway with the version he already hacked to make a .ini dump. -
Only nyerguds .exe has been set up for the PSX and N64 missions. You probly be better off with droping the hotkey editor in the ccconfig.exe .ect from the CnCnet version into Nyerguds install.
Installing mission from an old unofficial RA1 expansion
Allen262 replied to TaxOwlbear's topic in Red Alert
Too bad Iran isn't around much any more. I think he had away to convert saved games back to ini. -
Installing mission from an old unofficial RA1 expansion
Allen262 replied to TaxOwlbear's topic in Red Alert
I have a old version RA1 around but the Win .exe is WestWood V3.03. Not sure if I could even run DOS RA1 on XP. If the windows saves are pre ConterStrike I don't think they can be played at all unless some one has Win98/98 around as V1.04 worn't run on XP. I don't think pre ConterStrike saves work with ConterStrike (V1.07/V1.08) Windows and DOS mission attached below. EDIT: Looking in the RAFQA.txt in the STRATEGY folder and it says "\par 10.1 OFFICIAL WESTWOOD PATCHES \par \par No patches are known to exist at this time. Westwood does plan to release a patch that enables savegames in multiplayer mode. " This means the savedgame files are made using the V1.04 for Windows mission. I'm 90% sure ConterStrike broke all V1.04 saves. Perfect_Alert_Single_missions.zip -
Installing mission from an old unofficial RA1 expansion
Allen262 replied to TaxOwlbear's topic in Red Alert
I did and there are 2 probs. They are not .ini files. They are saved game files that you load to play the mission and the saved games don't work with V3.03. Not even the old WW made V3.03. They maybe pre-Conterstrike. -
Installing mission from an old unofficial RA1 expansion
Allen262 replied to TaxOwlbear's topic in Red Alert
The Single player missions are still in the DOSSAVE.EXE or W95SAVE.EXE -
Frustrated with Siberian Conflict #1: Fresh Tracks
Allen262 replied to TaxOwlbear's topic in Red Alert
I think you're thinking of the wrong mission. (Are you thinking about Trapped and not Fresh Tracks?) You don't have a CY in the first Siberian Mission. Crap.... -
Frustrated with Siberian Conflict #1: Fresh Tracks
Allen262 replied to TaxOwlbear's topic in Red Alert
I just use light tanks to blockade the base so no unit can leave or blockade the base but one way out and make it a death path lined with tanks and gun turs. -
There is no verison for C&C yet.
Let's Play Command & Conquer Red Alert: Counterstrike
Allen262 replied to TaxOwlbear's topic in Red Alert
Really? O_o Maybe I'm think back to the PSX version than... -
Let's Play Command & Conquer Red Alert: Counterstrike
Allen262 replied to TaxOwlbear's topic in Red Alert
I skip the entire soviet base. You can load the Civs on a APCs and run them to the north beach. The Tesla Coil will not have time to fire if you run one APC at a time. -
Let's Play Command & Conquer Red Alert: Counterstrike
Allen262 replied to TaxOwlbear's topic in Red Alert
Just tired. No crash or mission fail. I'm 99.9% sure RAED farking up missions depending on the system. Back in the days of XP with no service packs RAED worked fine. Each service pack seem to cause RAED to break some missions. Each update to the next service pack would cause a new set of missions that RAED would break when saved and the ones that use to break would now save just fine. -
Let's Play Command & Conquer Red Alert: Counterstrike
Allen262 replied to TaxOwlbear's topic in Red Alert
They are supposed to both move, but the map isn't designed for when you manage to not trigger the first mammoth thats destroying the village near the start. It recruited that mammoth instead of the 2nd one on the bridge. Also fun fact, opening the mission in RAED and then immediately saving it causes the mission to crash on startup. Not sure. If recall right it cause you to lose the mission at mission start after RAED edits it. -
Let's Play Command & Conquer Red Alert: Counterstrike
Allen262 replied to TaxOwlbear's topic in Red Alert
The lack of gun tur make it hard. Did. The first time I played C&C was in PSX. The map says both should move but who knows with what the patchs have done. It just best to seek around to the back side of the base. -
Let's Play Command & Conquer Red Alert: Counterstrike
Allen262 replied to TaxOwlbear's topic in Red Alert
Never had that prob. -
Let's Play Command & Conquer Red Alert: Counterstrike
Allen262 replied to TaxOwlbear's topic in Red Alert
Always liked Personal War. The next one not so much. -
CnCNet is prob loading AI from another file. Tay opeing any .dpx files with notepad/wordpad. You may be able to find the CnCNet AI that way.
Let's Play Command & Conquer Red Alert: Counterstrike
Allen262 replied to TaxOwlbear's topic in Red Alert
The trucks are programed to leave after 10, 18, 25, 32, 38 and 45 minutes. They have no run trigger so you can "Zerg" rush the base and catch some of the trucks still sitting in the base.