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Everything posted by Allen262

  1. From what I know RA-1 Mission briefings are done in this priority order. mission.ini, in game folder. any mission, in game folder will over ride mission.ini on allied or sovet disk but not mission.ini if it is in game folder. mission.ini, in a Sc***.mix. Game will read mission briefings from missions that are also in Sc***.mix.
  2. RA1 is a bit more picky with data inside/outside mixfiles, C&C is far more liberal in this respect. I found out quickly that it was picky. This is why in Red Dawn the mission.ini is not packed in a mix file but left out in the game folder.
  3. Yes it will, if mission *example Ailled 2/scg02ea.ini* itself is placed in RA-1 directory but there is not a mission.ini in the RA-1 directory with it. However if mission *example Ailled 2/scg02ea.ini* itself is placed in RA-1 directory but there is a mission.ini in the RA-1 directory with it. The mission.ini will over ride all misson briefings for the original campaigns
  4. The mission.ini sets original campaigns briefings for all the original campaigns. The expansion pack missions have there mission briefings inside them. You can find the mission.ini for original campaigns on the on the Allied or Sovet RA-1 CDs under main.mix than general.mix, you will find mission.ini inside. The mission.ini is not found on the CouterStrike or The Aftermath CDs. I'm also attaching the mission.ini but I have to put it in a ZIP folder. Extract the mission.ini from the folder and place it into your RA-1 directory. It will than over ride any mission.ini. Mission.ini.zip
  5. I'm glad. If only one out of the 50 plus map are bad I'm going to be real happy.
  6. So it is SCG08EA.ini and I fixed it. You need to restart the mission over. Restarting the mission will clear the old messed up code that caused the crash. First have Red Dawn Update 3 installed. Load GDI 8A also know as SCG08EA.ini "Abort Mission" than go to "Restart Mission" This will force the game to read the new SCG08EA.ini and not the bad data on the saved game. Once the mission is re-started save over the old saved game for GDI 8A. The mission should play fine after that.
  7. Did you load the mission from a saved game? I can get the full name of mission it is listed above the "Breifing" box. I put a box around where it is located in the pic below.
  8. 1. This is how it is. 2. Must be SCG08EA.ini. I've recoded it a few time since I have gotten ths same thing a few time. I thought I fixed it but I was wrong. I fixed it for Update 3.
  9. Its not hard to copy over the CnC95 landing craft to RA-1. The hard part was comming up with a way to make the landing craft load from all side. This was something CnC95 landing crafts never had to do. I would think if the unit didn't disappear it would stay on top like the CnC95 landing craft but this would look bad in RA-1 as players could stack 5 tanks on top of each other. I think WestWood made the unit disappear so that didn't happen. Anyway....Red Dawn Update 3 is done. I just have to get it uploaded. Changes for Update 3: Changes in the RA-1 to C&C95.exes. Satellite Center, Theif and Helicarrier added for Aftermath multiplayer users. New Transport *ship* ingame image and icon. Edit of Chemical Weapons so Chemical Warriors and Chemical Tanks will not kill it self when firing.
  10. Not to bad if I say so my self. Best way around the fact that the RA-1 LST don't turn. XD Darn hard coded thing I can fix... Animation is fixed attaching new gif. The Animation looks better in game too. EDIT: Icon is done.
  11. I decided against since the RA-1 landing craft only uses one frame when moving. As you know it never turns in game. I took a creative license with the C&C1 LCAC. I now have something that could work in RA-1. There is the still ingame frame and load/unload animation.
  12. I know why and have a patch for Full RA+ users. Here is the link http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UD36FN8C I would hope so. I put lots of time into the missions. Oh and did you play the "Ant" missions yet?
  13. I will have the new Red Dawn up soon I think.
  14. The heil carrier for Red Dawn will have a new shps. Shown in the pic plus Red Dawn's heil carrier will be packed into a Red Dawn only readable mix file. Thanks for the heads up thought! and you can get the download link at the 1st page.
  15. @Nyerguds I'll have to ask him to do that and see if he can give the Helicarrier rotating frames @Everyone Anyway, work on Red Dawn is still going on. Most of it is to clean up the and to make the installer easier to read the install instruction. CounterStrike and Aftermath registries to fix Red Dawn for foreigner *Non-English RA-1* users plus instruction for Full RA+ users. The only work on Red Dawn is for the ingame is use of Mplaye!.ini. Mplaye!.ini is a file that work like the any rules.ini but only works for Aftermath multiplayer. I'm using it to bring back some of the unused things. I'm bring back the Allied Tech Center as the Satlite Center. The Theif is back and the Helicarrier too. These things will be available to Aftermath multiplayer users in the next Red Dawn.
  16. @Nyerguds I know but one day I would be nice.
  17. Can You do this for RA-1? I don't like that fact that I had to remove the Mine Layer and make it the Buggy.
  18. Link is working fine for me. WestCost USA.
  19. I have to make a patch for FullRA+ so I going to just put new REDALERT.ini in the patch that will fix this for them. RA-1 modding isn't dead but a lost art to most. 10 years of work on Red Dawn. There were some long work breaks when I was modding TS, RA2 and Battlefield 1942. After your mod got posted to the front page at PPM I got of my @$$ and finished this.
  20. If any unit could have passagners it would really fark up the maps.
  21. You'll get game lock up if you Name= or Image= in the rules.ini. The more Name= or Image= you have in the rules.ini the more likely and faster the game will lock up. Red Dawn uses it own engine and mix files so it has no Name= or Image= in the rule!.ini You can change the name of just about any thing ingame with a Ingame Strings Editor. Use XCC Mixer and extract the conquer.eng from Expand2.mix. Place conquer.eng into your RA-1 folder. You can use the Ingame Strings Editor to change the name listed in the conquer.eng. The game should read the from the RA-1 folder but I will also mess up Red Dawn's Ingame Strings too. In the next patch I will fix Red Dawn to read it own conquer.eng to fix the said above problem. Ingame Strings Editor I used. Ingame Strings Editor 825.8 kb OS: Windows Date Added: 01-Apr-2003 Author: Vesa Piittinen http://ra.afraid.org/html/downloads/utilities.html I had to. The only other unit left was the Truck but using it would cause even more problems.
  22. Must be nice... Than again if you put a APC on reinfore trigger with any tanks. It all make the APC unload the the tanks like it a tranport.
  23. No problem! Ah.... Yes. The way Red Dawn is made it won't interfere or ruin normal RA-1 but it needs to be installed into the RA-1 directory. Red Dawn need files from normal RA-1 to run. If you install Red Dawn out side of TFD directory, The installer will give you the RA-1 to CnC95.exe that need CDs. There is not a lot of new new units. The SSM Launcher and Chemical Warrior were in the Covert Ops add-on from C&C 95. I had to use unit from RA-1 to cut down the amount of map recoding I would have to do. I did a rename Aftermath units. MAD Tank to EMP Tank. There is an EMP Tank in C&C Tiberian Sun Firestorm although mine is over kill compared to it. The Chemical Tank and the Infantry Fighting Vehicle Light is new. The Infantry Fighting Vehicle Light, also know as the Egyptian Infantry Fighting Vehicle is a real tank. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egyptian_Infantry_Fighting_Vehicle http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/ground/m113a4-ifvl.htm It hard hardcoded. There are only two ground vehicles that can load and unload infantry. [APC] or [sTNK]. The only vehicle that can load and unload infantry with a turret is the Aftermath Phase Transport [sTNK] that I made it into the Infantry Fighting Vehicle Light.
  24. You need to have palet set or XCC Mixer gives a black picture. To set the palet. Start XCC Mixer and go to View then Palet. Go ovet to Red Alert. You will want redalert.mix-local.mix- snow.pal or redalert.mix-local.mix-temperate.pal for RA-1 There is also a shortcuts to that will let you go from next palet *Ctrl+[ keys* or previous palet *Ctrl+] keys* Here is quck guide to using XCC Mixer. http://xhp.xwis.net/documents/guide_XCC_Mixer.html
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