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Everything posted by Allen262

  1. Hum.. The installer should have gave your the right game engine to work with TFD. Run the mod installer again up tell you get to the install directory selction screen and tell me what it says in the box I have in blue. If it says C:\WESTWOOD\REDALERT or C:\WESTWOOD\RA95 The instller did not find your TFD Registry files and gave you the wrong game engine that need the Pay/Freewere CDs.
  2. Something is not right then... The mod should know if you have TFD and give you and exe that will work with TFD. IF your RA-1 is 3.03. Do you have your RA-1 update to 3.03? To check if you have 3.03 start normal RA-1 and read the number below and to the right of "Exit Game" It should say 3.03 or 3.03E. It may say CSAM after the 3.03E. CS stand for CounterStrike and AM stand for AfterMath. The two RA-1 expansions. How to read the pic below. Below the Green box is version number. Below the Yellow box shows that CounterStrike is installed and is only shown if CounterStrike is installed. Below the Blue box shows that AfterMath is installed and is only shown if AfterMath is installed.
  3. All the image were made by WestWood so I'm not going to make any claim to them. Your free to use any thing from the mod as it was all made by WestWood and taken from C&C Gold or C&C RA-1. My only claim is that I found a way for GDI have the Airstrike and Ion Cannon from the Adv Com Center. As for how I did it. I used PSP6. I took frame 000 than added a over layer and put frame 033 than cut the back from frame 033 so I could adjust it to match frame 000. I did this 31 more time to take the C&C Gold MLRS that was 64 frames to 32 frames. 64 frames is used for vehicles that have turret and 32 frames is used for vehicles that have no turret.
  4. The turret is fixed on to the body. Ingame it has no turret but the whole MLRS turns face the target like the Nod Artillery. The SSM is the same way. A GIF of the MLRS is below.
  5. I can add back the options for the English registries for Aftermath and Coverstrike when you install the mod. This will fix this for all users since I now know that the registries are not the same for German users. I can change the hardcoded "Coverstrike Missions" and "Aftermath Missions" text on the main menu with hex editing. I can't translate any thing. You would have to do all the work. You would have to translate the conquer.eng. You could use the one that is already in German and use it as a base. Some thing with tutoria!.ini and missio!.ini. Coverstrike and Aftermath have the mission briefing packed into there missions. The EVA voice is from C&C TS. Some of the voices are custom made by splicing 2 more voice file together. These can’t be translated. If you got it running no CD that’s good. I don’t know if it would be legal for me to make such a patch.
  6. You said it better. You have Aftermath and Coverstrike menus in nomral RA-1 but not in Red Dawn? That shouldn't be possible. The only way this could happen is if the Registry entries are not the same between the German and English engines but I 99% sure that they are the same Registry entries. It would be alot ot work to do a german Red Dawn. I would need all the ingame sidebar icons from Ra-1 and C&C95 in German. I could do the sidebar icons since they look the same in English or German. I would need some one that could tranlate the all of the ingame text. Unit, structures and menus texts. Found in the conquer.eng *it prob conquer.ger for the German game.* Also the mission briefings found in the missio!.ini. Aftermath and Coverstrike missions briefings saved in each mission. Lastly the tutoria!.ini is the text found in the top left hand corner during missions. Yes a No CD it is possible but game needs files from the CD to work right. I could make a patch to do this but I don't know if is legal to do so.
  7. Why? "RA95.exe" is just the launch program and RA95.dat is main executable. Is there somting need the normal "RA95.exe"? I had to make my own game engine to make the mod work with out crashing. I can't pack everything in a one mix or two mix files like TS. I can't even use Image= and Name= in the rules. If I do so the game will crash about every 20 mins.
  8. I checked and got the same thing here in the USA.... I'll give it some time and see if it come back online. If not I will upload it again. Back up at 8:35 US westcost
  9. I was think you may have to. I thinking I may give RA+ a look over as its color is messed up. Maybe I can fix this.
  10. I didn't make Red Dawn with RA+ in mind. What did you do to make it work?
  11. Worked fine on my XP but I will dump RA+ on my WIN7 PC and see if it will work. I must say RA+ looks like hell. It has the pallets all fooked up. It looks I'm playing the PS1 RA-1. EDIT: Worked fine on my Win7 using RA+ with Red Dawn Installer UP1 than the Red Dawn RA+ patch. First can you get the code? I can ask Nyerguds to tell me what it is if he can read it. 2st: Did you install Nyerguds RA 3.03 patch? If you did this may be why things have gone bad. You would have to uninsall than reinstall RA+ and Red Dawn plus the Red Dawn RA+ patch.
  12. I know what your geting. RA+ uses a No CD set up but all the regs of Pay/freewere RA-1 so the installer is thinking your have Pay/freewere RA-1 and giving you an game.exe that needs CDs to work. I'm attaching quick patch that should fix this. I hope... If this works tell me so I can upload it to PPM as well. Red_Dawn_Patch_for_FullRA+.zip
  13. Some how I knew it not that easy as there is not a Hi Rez patch but if there is one I will make a patch for those it would like Red Dawn in Hi Rez. Thanks for the edit. Getting this and the other thread confused.
  14. Okay Okay. Is your RA-1 Pay/Freewere or The first decade *TFD*? Pay/Freewere use CDs TFD has a no CD setings. It sounds like your geting a No CD found that comes up with a OK box only on XP forward. In Win95-ME it says NO CD found in the box with some other text. Is this the screen your geting??? and sorry about the late reply. I didn't check the "Notify me of replies" even thought I thought I did... No CD Screen below Two words. Naval Units. Also if some one were to make a high resolution patch for RA-1. I would make this with a high resolution patch too.
  15. For RA-1 You will need RA-MIXer v5.1 OR3s PCX to RTM. http://ra.afraid.org/html/downloads/utilities-2.html plus a hex editor to set the passability IE is the tile itself ,buildable, shore, water or unpassability. RA-MIXer will only work on XP and back as it is a 16 bit program. 16 bit programs won't work on Vista or Win7. To do the converts just make the terrain into a TGA that has no palette than make that TGA to a shp using what ever palette you need. The take you new Shp and make it a PCX. Take the PCX to a PCX to RTM that will make it to a RTM . Once I have the RTM I have to hex edit that RTM by hand to give it the passability. Once all this is done give rename the .RTM to TEM or SNO. As you know I did part of a Desert for RA-1. It is no fun at all. To work with C&C there is Mix Manager v3.51 and associated utilities written by Vladan Bato. I works like RA-MIXer. Get it here. http://planetcnc.gamespy.com/View.php?view=TiberianDawn.Detail&id=67#Files
  16. Ingame they look the same but the are not the in same format or pallete. To remake the terrain I would have to convert it like any C&C to RA shp. Make that shp back to a PCX. Take the PCX to a 16bit dos program that will make it to a TMP. Once I have the TMP I have to hex edit that TMP by hand.
  17. @Tore Thanks for the front page post! @ smoky 10983 I posted back at you in the thread. http://www.cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=1588.0 I'll repost it. OS *XP,Vista or Win7* and what RA-1 do you have? *Free/Pay or TFD* Is it freezing ingame or at a the main game screen? Is your RA-1 at 3.03? If your not sure. Start nomral RA-1 and it is listed under Exit Game at the main game screen. Like in the pic below. If your geting a freeze before you see the main screen you need to use get your RA-1 updated to 3.03.
  18. Posted in wrong place, my bad....
  19. Like I said before "Ture but you have many of the other fixes in it. That make it stand out as it own patch to me." Plus if I recall Nyerguds changed RA95.dat to not delete the conquer.eng on start up as the WW 3.03 patch dose. Hosting would be nice but I don’t think it would be any use since I’m not going to do any big updates unless some one cracked the RA game so I can get some of the hard coded things fix. Adv Power Plant and Silo building foundations right. Get the Nuke to launch from Temple of Nod. Plus away to add the Airstrip. I would like to recode the map so that GDI is gold but doing 50 plus maps is not fun to do by ones self. If I could find a mapper to help than I would start remaping. If no bugs are found I’m going leave this as final tell as I said, RA-1 is cracked or a big bug is found. At this point I think there are no big bugs as the mod has 95 plus downloads and noting has been posted yet. I wouldn’t mind if I could get the installer added here at cnc-comm to the downloads for RA-1 My grammar leaves much to be desired but I look at it this way. If you can correct me. You knew what I meant to say. Anyway… Is my grammar bad in the ReadMe? If it is the ReadMe that needs work I'll go over it. Post not so much.
  20. Never work with web pages much. If I were to try to use the TD pallets it would mess up ALL terrain of the game. I used the FCOM in my early build but the silo fill frames don't work work with FCOM or any other building but SILO. Plus FCOM is used in the campaigns, Counterstrike and The Aftermath missions. Geting RA-1 to work XP: On XP geting RA to work is not to hard. If you have old pay RA-1 first go to the RA-1 CD and set the Setup.exe to Win 95 compatibity. Do this too for Counterstrike and The Aftermath CDs. This will let the installer run. Once done get Nyerguds Red Alert 3.03 patch. http://www.cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?action=downloads;sa=view;down=45 Once you run Nyerguds patch Red Alert will run fine. The stock install from the disk won't run on XP at all. The 1.08PE patch will let RA-1 run if you set Win 95 compatibity on the RA95.exe. 2.00 and 3.03 patchs will run with no compatibity set on XP. Geting RA-1 to work Win 7: I had a hard time with Win 7 as Win7 don't run the old 16bit install from my old pay RA-1 Cds. So I first made a folder named "Westwood" in the C: drive. Than in the Westwood that I just made I made a folder named "RedAlert". Then I copied all the file from folder named "INSTALL" in my old pay RA sovet disk and pasted them into the "RedAlert" Once done get Nyerguds Red Alert 3.03 patch. http://www.cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?action=downloads;sa=view;down=45 Once you run Nyerguds patch Red Alert will run fine. EDIT:New pic. You can see the Silo, Apache and Orca icons as before. Swiched back the Silo icon and added the C&C UFO for Snow and Temperate.
  21. OS *XP,Vista or Win7* and what RA-1 do you have? *Free/Pay or TFD* Is it freezing ingame or at a the main game screen? Is your RA-1 at 3.03? If your not sure. Start nomral RA-1 and it is listed under Exit Game at the main game screen. Like in the pic below.
  22. That can be fixed. I haven't uploaded a new installer yet. Still hoping for more feedback.
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