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Everything posted by puntja

  1. great! thx no i have the problem that the game is too fast. I found the fixed launcher fix and the shortcut solution with the -SPEEDCONTROL shortcut. but if i start the game with the fixed launcher shortcut, the game doesn't start at all :-\
  2. hey guys i just bought the ultimate collection on origin. I never played RA2 and i just wanted to play single player mode. I'm wondering how I can use resolutions like 1920x1080 and is there maybe an unofficial patch like for Red Alert 1, Tiberium Dawn, Tiberium Sun etc? also when I change the resolution in the main menu to 1024x768 the menu gets all distorted and the colors are fucked up i'm on windows 10 pro Don't wanna play online right now, just the campaign thx in advance
  3. puntja

    config editor crashes

    do i have to put this in the RA Folder?
  4. to bad.. the map is down just tried to redownload it again
  5. hey guys.. when i try to go to the advanced configurator, i always get this crash: (see screenshot) i also can't save the config. I get a similar crash I'm on windows 10 pro. any ideas? edit: i just realized i had the same exact error on my old computer! I also posted here in the forum, but nobody could help. https://forums.cncnet.org/index.php?topic=3835.msg29232#msg29232 I'm having a new pc and a fresh install of windows and i'm still getting this error
  6. ok the game was in black and white because all sliders were to the left I still can't edit the options in the config editor though. I always get the same erros. And also the game crashes randomly (it just freezes) and the game is slow :-\ [Options] SlowerScrollrate=No Width=1920 Height=1080 MouseWheelScrolling=No PlayEnglishIntro=No SkipScoreScreen=No ShowAllMusic=No VideoInterlaceMode=2 GameLanguage=1 VideoBackBuffer=Yes HardwareFills=Yes RandomStartingSong=No UseSmallInfantry=No NoCD=Yes CounterstrikeEnabled=Yes AftermathEnabled=Yes Resolution=0 GameSpeed=0 ScrollRate=6 Brightness=0.5 Volume=0.183 ScoreVolume=0 MultiplayerScoreVolume=0 Contrast=0.5 Color=0.5 Tint=0.5 AutoScroll=no IsScoreRepeat=no IsScoreShuffle=no PaletteScroll=yes [ConfigTool] UseRAAspectRatio=No ConfigToolTab=1 [WinHotkeys] KeySellOf=0 KeyForceMove1=18 KeyForceMove2=18 KeyForceAttack1=17 KeyForceAttack2=17 KeySelect1=16 KeySelect2=16 KeyScatter=88 KeyStop=83 KeyGuard=71 KeyNext=78 KeyPrevious=66 KeyFormation=70 KeyHome1=36 KeyHome2=103 KeyBase=72 KeyResign=82 KeyAlliance=65 KeyBookmark1=120 KeyBookmark2=121 KeyBookmark3=122 KeyBookmark4=123 KeySelectView=69 KeyRepairToggle=84 KeyRepairOn=0 KeyRepairOff=0 KeySellToggle=89 KeySellOn=0 KeySellOff=0 KeyMapToggle=85 KeySidebarUp=38 KeySidebarDown=40 KeyOption1=27 KeyOption2=32 KeyScrollLeft=0 KeyScrollRight=0 KeyScrollUp=0 KeyScrollDown=0 KeyQueueMove1=81 KeyQueueMove2=81 KeyTeam1=49 KeyTeam2=50 KeyTeam3=51 KeyTeam4=52 KeyTeam5=53 KeyTeam6=54 KeyTeam7=55 KeyTeam8=56 KeyTeam9=57 KeyTeam10=48 [intro] PlayIntro=no
  7. hey guys. Everytime I play the game crashes after a few minutes (main executable is not responding). any idea what I can do about it? I'm on windows 7 x64 ultimate and any help would be appreciated
  8. I have the same problems. Game works when I use TS-Draw, but it crashes after a few minutes :-\
  9. I installed it 3 times already :-\ Always the same problems Edit: I just deleted the Redalert.ini I can edit the configurations now and save it, but now the game is in black and white
  10. ehm ok.. and what can I do now to fix this and get this game working? :-\ Because I don't understand what you're saying
  11. Hey guys! When I try to configure my RA, I get this strange error message. Also when I try to save my config, another error pops up. I don't know what to do :-\ Can someone please help me? I'm using windows 7 x64 ultimage. If you need any more information please let me know
  12. I downloaded the Patch and now the game ask me to insert a CD :-\ Have I done anything wrong? Edit: My fault.. I installed it over the TS installer from here. but is the TS installer outdated? Because I don't have the TSLauncher after installing and I can't select other resolutions than 640x480 and 800x600
  13. Hey Guys! Can I download the Movie Files somewhere else? Because downloading them with the installer is veeeeeeeery slow and it takes forever :-\
  14. works just perfect! thx alo!
  15. thx alot.. but i feel kinda stupid now how can i play the map? i've never downloaded a TS map before .. i put the .dpr file into my TS folder.. but i can't find the map edit: ahh.. this a a map for the DTA MOD? i was actually searching for a Tiberium Sun map just tried the map in DTA it's great! just what i was looking for but i just figured out this kind of maps doesn't fit soo good in Tiberium dawn hehe
  16. i hope someone knows a map like this or can create one for me .. a friend of mine and I just like those kind of maps in a 1vs1 battle
  17. i dind't know that about the speed settings thx alot for your help
  18. still slower then single player, but waaaay faster then before, thank you can i copy this file to TS too? cuz the "dawn of tiberium age" mod is slow too..
  19. yeah.. but i find it totally confusing and i don't have a clue what do to ... edwin.exe from RA1 was sooooo easy
  20. Hey Everyone! I have absolutely no clue how the TS Editor works.. But I totally miss my favourite map from RA1 and i have no idea how to create it It's a simple map.. just 2 islands, seperated by a river with a bunch of money on each side So, i wanna ask you if you know where i can download a map like this? or if you could create on for me.. ? I can create a map like this in 5 min with the ra1 editor so it shouldn't be much work.. I hope my request is ok and someone can help me? i've attached a screenshot, so you guys will know what i mean
  21. I'm on Cable, not Wifi 1gbit ethernet on all computers.. but gameplay is not as fast as on single player maybe i'll create an video and show you guys what i mean..
  22. i'm playing on LAN not on the internet.. i'm not using CCCnet..
  23. hey guys.. i've downloaded both games from this site here (cnc-comm.com) And I solved my problem... (kinda ) I couldn't see players in the TD lobby.. but I can see created games and I can join them etc in RA1: I think my wsock32.dll was broken.. i've redownloaded RA1 from http://redalert1.com/ and it worked on lan. but it was without counterstrike/aftermath so i've copied the wsock32.dll into my ra with cs/am and it all worked fine! i can see players, join games etc But what is annoying is the fact that the game runs slower in multiplayer game compared to single player games
  24. Hey everyone! I have the problem that i cannot find anyone in the network/lan lobby of Tiberium Dawn (C&C95 1.06c r3) or Red Alert 1 (V3.03ECSAM) . I've downloaded both games from this site and i've tried it on Win7-Win7 and Win7-Winxp Lobbies are allways empty all firewalls are disabled! This mod here: http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?action=downloads;sa=view;down=34 and all other pc games are working fine on lan! file sharing works too and all pc's are in the same workgroup. so my network is correctly configurated i guess what could be the problem? sorry for my bad english
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