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  1. Hello dear CNC-NET Team, It has been more than 2 weeks now and I still can't connect neither IRC Chat nor CNCNET5. I see that saying a bad word or two is not tolerable and has to be punished. When will you grant me to join the fight or battles again? I won't say a word to the moderators or admins again, I will only say something if some harassment or hate happens and that will be posted here with an attachment of the txt file in which the harassment is recorded in. Please can you unban me in a week or two? Please. Don't take this for a whine, I am just bored of this state and want to play here as soon as possible.
  2. Tell me where I insulted you? That I said you are misusing your power? You actually do a more hard punishment on me while others with racist jokes get 1 week? Do I miss the point or who does?
  3. That's what he likes most, misuseing his power. Don't fear that will end when he stops to do anything with this site. The problem will be that this will last probably more than just 1 year. Will you stop spamming all threads now to whine? you are banned now for 2month, enjoy ... keep on going Will you stop complaining? I can tell what I think to anyone I don't need your permissions to tell anyone what my opinion is. Plus you can ban yourself for misusing your power at least 1 year. Seriously dude, stop that and we are gonna be fine. 2 months lol, why not for life? I won't have any fun with such an asshole as distributor. I will change to XWIS or else that won't be a problem . Additionally, why so serious? Do you really think people will respect you if you don't treat them with respect as well? Don't be so vain!
  4. That's what he likes most, misuseing his power. Don't fear that will end when he stops to do anything with this site. The problem will be that this will last probably more than just 1 year.
  5. Adding an option to allow the player to share mix files and maps within a room.
  6. Vendetta


    Wait, you did a racist joke? I didn't even do such a thing and I get banned for 1 month. It is so fucking ridicolous how easily you can get banned here.
  7. It is pretty ridicolous what for you get banned here easily.
  8. He probably meant cncnet.com or cncnet.de or else.
  9. Worst, possibly implemented idea of an anti-cheat engine. It tags mod maps also as cheat in fact they are mods and no cheats.
  10. Probably but I think that would be much more work than just adding the shp files/mix file. I think if there was an option to actually make the client in the game room to tell players, they need this mix to play and download it via that room but only when they accept to join to get the file and play this mod or map.
  11. My maps don't cause crashes, ffs. You added some SHP files to the SPAWN1.mix yourself, I just wanted to have the missing ones inside as well but you said 188KB is too much, ok fine. Plus, all maps do work, except the ones with the specific SHP files in use which is only a small collection of maps(Standard maps with special rules 'cnc95') Others like Modern Warfare, Future Wars, etc. Work fine without any mix or shp in need. Except the WW2 one but there only the latest one because it uses your SHP file of the SPAWN1.mix but yeah it works because that SHP file is included already and wait for it... it is NOT a RA95 shp graphic because it is the abrams of cnc95. I don't blame others, I just clarify things and don't accept you to blame me for everything your customized RA95 exe and Client does or doesn't. Actually I had with cncnet4 no problems unless there was no restart before each match but that's no longer a problem. The only problem is that the shp graphics I took from cnc95 were not in your spawn1.mix, I asked you earlier if you could add those buildings, you said no, then I went for adding them myself to a mix file, then I tried you to add them, you declined 2 times the last time is now. And that's where we are now, no addition to the graphics, the graphics had to be edit because not all buildings fitted the size of the occupied/changed building. If you will find the time and passion to view my mix file, feel free to check it. you can get it here: http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1941.0;attach=3053 I doubt that you will view it but now you can't say I didn't show it to you.
  12. Additionally, if anything changes to my ban status then anyone can see this site without free speech. Actually we could say HAIL to the Admins in fact we would have dictatorship here, I think the creator of this wanted the people to share the fun and actually I am trying to do it and I am sharing the fun with mods you can have with the games which are included here in cncnet.
  13. I don't ban people for telling me I could be nicer. And I see no point in euphemizing what I mean to say. Anyway, I'm not going to discuss what Vendetta did or didn't do, since I wasn't there, but Funky could've been more forthcoming with telling Vendetta how long he was banned, yea... he didn't even tell me; he just said it was permanent. It's always nicer to handle these things on the channel instead of having yet another one of these topics appear on the forum They're shown in the cncnet lobby channel every time you log in on it. There's no link, just, "Rules: No racism, harassment or impersonation allowed! No Religions/Politics!" Is that not clear enough? This guy is well known for doing all kinds of stupid things, back on cncnet4 he created maps that screwed up the game so badly that any game you tried to play afterwards would go Out of Sync and it was impossible to continue playing... he knew about that, but yet, he still kept spreading this maps ... Now on cncnet5 he wont be able to do that anymore since the game is always closing after each match. But guess what? Now he found a new way to screw up the games again, he is adding some keys to the maps which force the game to load custom graphics, no one got these graphics, the game fails to find them and CRASH! Not to mention that he been putting a bot in the lobby to spam his advertisements not long time ago ... I banned him for 24hours first, then he came in with shit loads of proxy servers and promised to attack the server .. so i ended up banning him permanently, but i changed that now to 1month to give him another (last) chance... It is pointless to talk to him, he will try to argue with you for hours ... even back when he spammed the lobby with his bot, he still tried to pretend to be the good guy and claimed we were the assholes, it is hilarious If he ever tries to crash/screw up the games or promising any attacks again then he will end up getting banned permanently once and for all Cheers for clearing that up Funky. I wasn't aware his custom shps malarky was part of the ban but I knew his maps always crashed because he used them ¬_¬ I won't repeat again, it is only for the cnc95 map mod which is only in one folder of the maps everyone can download them. Plus each time before I start I say 'Do you have the mix file?'. Then I get rarely replies, probably some are just lazy to reply others probably don't understand and that's why I consulted Funky to add the goddamn mix file but he said 188KB would be too much. Plus he fears that many others would come which is in my view not really realistic but fine. There are not as many modders out there who put actually work on their mods like I did. Except Allen for one.
  14. I don't ban people for telling me I could be nicer. And I see no point in euphemizing what I mean to say. Anyway, I'm not going to discuss what Vendetta did or didn't do, since I wasn't there, but Funky could've been more forthcoming with telling Vendetta how long he was banned, yea... he didn't even tell me; he just said it was permanent. It's always nicer to handle these things on the channel instead of having yet another one of these topics appear on the forum They're shown in the cncnet lobby channel every time you log in on it. There's no link, just, "Rules: No racism, harassment or impersonation allowed! No Religions/Politics!" Is that not clear enough? This guy is well known for doing all kinds of stupid things, back on cncnet4 he created maps that screwed up the game so badly that any game you tried to play afterwards would go Out of Sync and it was impossible to continue playing... he knew about that, but yet, he still kept spreading this maps ... Now on cncnet5 he wont be able to do that anymore since the game is always closing after each match. But guess what? Now he found a new way to screw up the games again, he is adding some keys to the maps which force the game to load custom graphics, no one got these graphics, the game fails to find them and CRASH! Not to mention that he been putting a bot in the lobby to spam his advertisements not long time ago ... I banned him for 24hours first, then he came in with shit loads of proxy servers and promised to attack the server .. so i ended up banning him permanently, but i changed that now to 1month to give him another (last) chance... It is pointless to talk to him, he will try to argue with you for hours ... even back when he spammed the lobby with his bot, he still tried to pretend to be the good guy and claimed we were the assholes, it is hilarious If he ever tries to crash/screw up the games or promising any attacks again then he will end up getting banned permanently once and for all You are telling this that I am aiming for crashes but that's not true. And yes there is an OOS with one specific map collection 'CNC95toRA95' which also loads some graphics of the spawn1.mix where actually most of them be included. I will distribute the mix file which includes the missing shp graphics if there is anyone out there who wants it and actually there is more than just one. To name one there is 'Jumping_boy' alias Matt who loves it. I am attacking? I didn't see that I was attacking anything, I was just discussing with you but you didn't continue and blocked me because I recieved no reason but it is 'waste of bandwidth' which is in 188KB not reasonable but ok. Additionally there are more than just one map out there which also OOS or crashes the game which are not made by me, some are even ORIGINALS! Blaming me for an unstable client or game is more than outrageous. Command and Conquer games are well known for unstable network connections one to mention is Generals. I hope that you will get over it and stick like this is unstable. Until the pretty day comes when cncnet and ra95 becomes stable then I gonna take back what I said right here. So keep your insults and harassments for yourself.
  15. It was neither about politics nor about religion. I count Nyerguds of one of my friends actually. I know what you mean but there is no chance to 'fuck' with Funky or any other moderator. Unless you have a larger stick.
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