Since today i can not play online TiberianSUN anymore. I have always played from this computer. Today i even played TS. I made a break durring midday and when i come bac some hours later i coudnt open TS-Online anymore. The map editor and singleplayer works still fine. But when i hit the "Play Online" Botton i get an error message. I didnt changed anything on my Computer and there was no updates from anything. I deinstalled and re-installed it. I tried the original-version from cncnet and some Beta-Version. But the Error message is still the same after re-install. All .exe files have Administrator rights and i tried all compatibility. Some times i get the Error Message that it is a Virus or Firewall block it, and most times it showes "Tiberian SUN Launcher Error, Error: CnCNet not found! Are u launching this from the game directory?"
Yes i launch it from there. I also tried to deactivated my anti-virus and firewall software. It still stays the same.