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Everything posted by DanGoMad

  1. After i enabled everything from the Windows Defender List and allow it, i can go bac online. Although I have only the original maps available. I already see that several had and have this problem. Thanks first of all.
  2. @Tore: U r right, it wasnt in the list yesterday, but now i see that CnCNet5.exe is an Trojan - Win32/Azden.A!cl Or has the creators of CnCNet integrated a small bacdoor haaaaa? I have to think about that if I continue to runters down any "free" games.
  3. Hello, Since today i can not play online TiberianSUN anymore. I have always played from this computer. Today i even played TS. I made a break durring midday and when i come bac some hours later i coudnt open TS-Online anymore. The map editor and singleplayer works still fine. But when i hit the "Play Online" Botton i get an error message. I didnt changed anything on my Computer and there was no updates from anything. I deinstalled and re-installed it. I tried the original-version from cncnet and some Beta-Version. But the Error message is still the same after re-install. All .exe files have Administrator rights and i tried all compatibility. Some times i get the Error Message that it is a Virus or Firewall block it, and most times it showes "Tiberian SUN Launcher Error, Error: CnCNet not found! Are u launching this from the game directory?" Yes i launch it from there. I also tried to deactivated my anti-virus and firewall software. It still stays the same.
  4. Use this fix - http://tore.cnc-comm.com/TS_Win8fix.zip just put all into your Folder where u have installed game. That have fix my Problems to. But i can`t play internet then. I can enter my account name and passwd. Then it errored before i came in lobby. I will try to find why. mfg
  5. I have been moved here and no one post since a year there lol. But i found a link that solve the Problem. Use this fix - http://tore.cnc-comm.com/TS_Win8fix.zip Just put all in your Folder where Game is Installed. Then game works fine for me on Windows 8. Just one thing. Internet Game didn`t work then. Don`t now how to solve that. I will keep on searching. mfg
  6. Hi. Yesterday i got new comp and TS don`t work anymore with Windows 8. I can start the game and in game-menue i can`t choose any option because it stuck then. I read some other have the same problem. R they solved?
  7. Hi. I can`t play any Game online since some days? www.xwis.net is also offline. I can`t open page since some time. What happen? :-D
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