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  1. pablo

    Unit queuing

    Are you saying that being good is solely based on how fast you click? No strat required? for an RTS?
  2. pablo

    Unit queuing

    I prefer unlimited queuing, though, people seem to get by with single clicking, I'm not phased either way.
  3. You see? You have to do something about it! I have zero qualms about requesting a rematch after being thoroughly beaten. Most times, people accept and I get thoroughly beaten again but that doesn't stop me. That's part of the fun right? the competition? The only detriment I can think from such fierce competition I guess is that it doesn't really leave much room for "casual" players. The other day I was playing and someone requested that only casual non-pro players join. Which, when I played him, I realised he took it to mean "no rushing". Which I thought to myself ok. That's fine, but even to play a long game, I could just see myself taking all the ore spot before he did and having twice as many units and defenses. I guess there's really no way to downgrade your level. The only thing I could suggest is perhaps a sticky with commonly asked questions. Like how do you build so fast? When I first started playing, there was no one to tell me that the more barracks, or MCV's or war factories I had, that the faster production would be? Maybe a sticky with basic builds? I mean I've seen countless "pro's" build in the very same order without any variation. Anyways, if any player sticks with it for more than a week, they usually discover these things for themselves. But I can imagine how disheartening it may be for completely new players to constantly be losing.
  4. Hey all, new here. My gaming rig is out of action so I've been playing games on a very old low spec computer. So, I've been playing low spec games... Sim City 4, RA1, Need for speed underground 2 etc etc. I am usually playing battlefield 3 (I haven't got 4 yet) or WoW (whenever a new expansion comes out). My favourite command and conquer was 3: tiberium wars. I loved it to bits, the replays, the strategy, the amount of micromanagement required to be a decent player. I honestly think its when c&c peaked. Anyways, that's the gaming side of me keeping it on topic, if you want to know more let me know ;-) otherwise this could become tl;dr
  5. I think you are taking it too personally? I can only imagine that the 'pro's' have been playing for years. They're probably friends. Just have fun with it? Hell get some names, make some friends. Hell I'll play you and win lol. I'm not entirely sure what it is you'd like changed? I'm no pro, but can it not get annoying when you scout for your opponent to realize they are on a much lower level? That the game is pretty much going to be over in less than 5 minutes? Or worse, ohw frustrating it can be to play a 2v2 with an ally that is clearly not on the same level as you. I can only assume that the 'pro's' must encounter the same thing and so might only play others players they recognise to be on their level. Peace!
  6. I've tried uninstall, reinstall. Disabled firewall and AV. No dice.
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