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Alexander Klietz

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  1. Hello Chimas, thanks for having me (or rather my missions) in the SCG220 pack now. This collection you are publishing is really great, thanks for the work involved. I played some of them and there are real gems included. Just one note: You didn't use the latest version of my missions, which means my german briefings and some changes to the readme are not included. This is not a big issue, however. Just wanted to let you know. Greetings Alex
  2. Yes, that option was intended to be a little bonus, if you're fast enough to catch it.
  3. Ah, I see, that's the trick here, of course. :roll: Great!
  4. Nice map and mission. Took me a few tries to get a foot on the ground (without getting roasted by the two flamethrower tanks), but once you got your base up and the perimeter secured, it's a piece of cake. Suggestion: A few more SAM sites might make the Orca attack more difficult (another 1 or 2 at the north end of the NOD base and another one between the main base and the outpost on the hill top?)
  5. Thanks a lot, Nyerguds, for posting the missions here! And of course for your tips and comments! Hope y'all enjoying this old stuff. I have added a german briefing to both missions now, too, and made a few more (minor) changes to the readme. So consider the attached as the final release. EDIT: Removed the attachments, pls. refer to the updated first post.
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