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Everything posted by SupaFly
When trying to open TSMPLauncher.exe an error message pops up and says Create Process failed; code 740. The requested operation requires elevation. What does this mean?
It says I am banned for vulgar language when I never used any vulgar language. I accidentally spammed the lobby and then it said I was banned for vulgar language.
video link to game and ss for Noobie SUPAFLY (AKA SUPANOOB) and Nodrescue
SupaFly replied to Tomo's topic in Tiberian Sun
The scout in question here is while I was in the back right corner of map. I looked at your post and your screen shot that looked low quality and your video was a joke. I have the Video of our game and if you watch it you will notice I never once said HEY LOOK Jimmy is MAPPING or HEY LOOK Jimmy is CHEATING. I made a comment that showed concern for what I was seeing. I chose not to shout HEY LOOK Jimmy is MAPPING or HEY LOOK Jimmy is CHEATING, instead I worded it to point out my concern. All you would have had to do at that point is say, hey Supa can we work this out. If you want to improve gaming relationships with me or anyone els, maybe try acting like it is just a game and not some life status to degrade others and try and make yourself seem better then anyone else over a game. Lag is caused by a lot of things including someone using cheats, many times in the past when playing with you that lag shows up. Watch to the end of the Video you will see you were lagging. With all the past negative issues between you and my self that not everyone has seen, I hope has enough intelligence to understand there is more to my issue with Jimmy then just one game. It seems as if he cant control the little boy with in so he resorts to name calling and disrespect. Here is a link to the video https://youtu.be/tIOVg05VxNI . -
I saw this notice in the lobby ( CnCNet is in need of youtube content creators. ) What is the best thing to use for creating Videos?
Hey bmoeller I dont know why you seem to think you have the answer to this problem. GET THREW YOU HEAD DUDE I HAVE TRIED IGNORING THIS PRICK (((( IT DONT WORK )))). This waste of space aka nodrescue has done more then you will ever know dude. So please stop wasting your time telling me what I need to do, I HAVE ALREADY DONE IT!!! Maybe a dam admin here will read these posts and realize the issue here and do something. Until then dude stop wasting my time and yours.
Anything going to get done about this asshole? Nodrecue still harassing people, here is the latest screen shot of him using a different name. I said nothing at all to deserve this from this prick. Funny how he says he never did anything to me but yet still uses the C word like in his previous messages and refers to his threats to my family.
Anything going to get done about this asshole? Nodrecue still harassing people, here is the latest screen shot of him using a different name. I said nothing at all to deserve this from this prick. Funny how he says he never did anything to me but yet still uses the C word like in his previous messages and refers to his threats to my family.
My bad lol I meant Funky, Sorry about that Funky if your reading this. That is why my status here is NEWB lmao
Thank you to those who understand that I am only trying to promote a better atmosphere for those who want to enjoy a respectful gaming experience. And yes I did send a private message to Fr3aky about this. I dont want this kind of drama to continue so your positive response appreciated. I AM NOT ABOUT THE DRAMA, I only want to enjoy my time here. It's about time someone showed the interest in making a difference for the CnC community.Thank you to Fr3aky and all the others that have put this together. Shout out to Sean, YOU DA MAN !!!
So basically what your saying is we all should just accept pricks like this and assume that the community will be fine with it? The way you are reacting to my post almost seems like your assuming I have been complaining about this guy non stop for months. People like you are not a solution to an issue like this, your part of the problem and when you just ignore pricks like Nodrescue, it will only take away from what CnC is trying to accomplish. Take a look at how many posts I have made on this site and realize that I have not been dragging this issue out for months on end. I simply was making it aware to the admin staff here that this individual may need a little reminder to respect the other gamer's and not chase people away from an otherwise fun gaming experience. I have no idea who you are nor do I care but by your posts I think its safe to assume your no better then the guy harassing others on this server. So why dont you do us both a favor and keep your idiotic comments to your self, because your the one posting comments to my post bringing more drama to this situation. Think about it and maybe you will realize how stupid you look making stupid posts to a situation that dont even pertain to you X3M.
WEll well well, Nodrescue is at it again Take a look at this. This second screen shot was taken today 1/26/15. As for you TRZ, why don't you mind your own business and worry about playing the game insted of making another issue. Grow up Kid
I have already posted this subject in another area but I think this area that might be were I really need to post this. I and others have been harassed by Nodrescue for some time now and I feel this needs to be seen bye an admin from CnC. Please take a look at this screen shot and hopefully you will want to get this problem handled. People like this are only going to push people away from enjoying a service that CnC is trying to provide. Thank you WEll well well, Nodrescue is at it again Take a look at this. This second screen shot was taken today 1/26/15.
Thanks for your reply and you are right people will loose interest for the most part. But this dude is a different breed, and finds way's to harass me and others. My hope is to have an admin from CnC see his behavior and take some kind of action. ignoring this guy doesn't seem to be working very well. I am not the only one that he harasses but I am one that is tired of it.
Not sure if this is the right place for this post? I hope an admin sees this because people like this should be removed from this gaming environment. I am a long time player of Tiberian Sun and just recently came to CnC.net to enjoy playing this game. Nodrescue has been harassing me for some time now and has gone way to far with his threats. This kind of behavior should not be tolerated.