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sero aka aCnChaOz

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Everything posted by sero aka aCnChaOz

  1. Why u guys dont try twitch.tv? Its Stream live and Record if you Chose the correct Option, many pros on xwis do this. So ppl can watch it later.
  2. wtf u payed 20$? Ask me if you want free working serial ????
  3. I played your map against zigzag and i dont know what was better on your "fixed" map for me it was like the Standard dune patrol.
  4. Hey Dave nice to See you on cncnet mate. Welcome!
  5. I fix it mate. Ty for your helping Modus ????????????????
  6. hey admins, i cant join games anymore? games come and go always when i try to join nothing happen!
  7. hey admins, i was playing then i couldnt start cncnet i get always this message.
  8. If u want Play ra2 online go to www.xwis.net but for Yuri cncnet is better place
  9. Servus hba, ja um yuris Rache zu spielen brauchst du AR2 und 1.006 Patch. Aktuell kann man nur yuris Rache spielen auf cncnet. AR2 wird irgendwann Folgen aber es gibt noch kein Datum dafür. Also wenn du Yuri zocken willst. Ladest du dir cncnet runter (Voraussetzung du hast ar2 und Yuri erfolgreich installiert) und fügst dein Pfad mit yuris Rache ein und erstellst ein nickname und schon kannst online spielen. Hoffe konnte dir helfen. Falls du noch Fragen hast her damit. Gruß, Bin die lebende Legende seit 2000 ????
  10. haha nice man, but that doesnt work need a serious answer with date . im bored of slapping noobs need the competition here on cncnet
  11. hey admins, xwis is nowadays very dead and im started playing on cncnet again lol. my question is when does ra2 come out here on cncnet? and when will be there a Ladder? i need the competition man. i cant just play ffg more then 3 hours lol. oh and one more question how can i change my cncnet login name? i searched everywhere but its impossible? i clicked remember my account and password when i created my cncnet account now im using a noob name and no1 know me
  12. Stoped playing on cncnet, Full of noobs and still no ladder. Cya guys
  13. ye correct i cant change my nick on cncnet yr client. it gives me always same nick before asking me again cuz i clicked remember automaticly my account when i logon. so i delete and reinstalled cncnet. its still the same nothing change im still use the noob nick
  14. dude please dont comment my topic with that stupid answer! Isnt here any admin what can help?
  15. hey admins is there anyway to change my noob account? ^^ i made remember account but dunno this is so important. I tryed with uninstall cncnet but its still "remember" my account!
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