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  1. 红警拒绝卡顿! RPU渲染优化开放内测!_兰博红色警戒对战平台_红警防守图对战,红警地图下载,红警2,共和国之辉,红警之家,尤里的复仇,心灵终结,红警游戏免费下载 (ra2.dev) https://ra2.dev/information/1141210925978791936 An optimization that reduces player lag, is it helpful for CNC?
  2. 挂个翻墙 全局代理基本没问题了,或者你自己建游戏,使用国内服务器(也可能有人不读条)。
  3. Problems with Win11 system online Reinstall the game and CNCNET platform, and I can play one round game normally, At the beginning of the second round, I can only see the picture of myself loading, while others are all in the state of not loading Who knows how to repair it? Whether to turn off the firewall and anti-virus (win defender)software is the same。
  4. Many server networks may be blocked by your country, u can make room with a sever in ur country for test .
  5. hi, I seems to have found a problem ,i mod some crate .shp , i can play normaly some round 1v1\2v2 with no crates, unload game when host set crate on. did u changed some *.shp or rules? delete it maybe will ok . i will test again tomorrow。
  6. hi great doctorevil , i changed *.map to *.yrm, and start game with ra2md.exe\yuri.exe, most of ur map cant load game ,it will be ie during load game, can u fix it too,tks
  7. but i cant attack the spawned units, lol its like a might side..
  8. hi ,i have a question about game of thrones survival v1.1.1 how to set the team? I set 234 team A \ 567 team B \ spot 1 teamc , then all of unit attack team B how to set the spot and team?
  9. unload the day before yesterday, Play normally yesterday unload again today
  10. I set up single core operate game in ddraw.ini, but game-spawn.exe still multi-core running in Task Manager, so Win10 home edition does not call ddraw.dll !!!
  11. I mod a TOE map ,Refer to some materials and add my own ideas Add some visual and auditory effects to make the map more cool Tank-killer attack tanks first Magnetic energy tank weapon parameters are slightly adjusted Elite air defense infantry weapon repair Add new super hero(requires nuclear or stormlightning) Yuri and France made a few restrictions for balance Welcome to experience with wide eyes,and need ur more and more ideas~ TOE For Pro.7z
  12. I mod a TOE map ,Refer to some materials and add my own ideas Add some visual and auditory effects to make the map more cool Tank-killer attack tanks first Magnetic energy tank weapon parameters are slightly adjusted Elite air defense infantry weapon repair Add new super hero(requires nuclear or stormlightning) Yuri and France made a few restrictions for balance Welcome to experience with wide eyes,and need ur more and more ideas~ TOE For Pro.7z
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