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Everything posted by RedSigma
Of course you can. Normally you install ra2 then yuri revenge . If you don't own a original yuri revenge i think its still possible to install a cracked one over your ra2. Aftert that download cnc client for yuri revenge. Remember your name must be MAX 12 characters or you will be unable to join. The difference between cncnet and XWIS is that you can't cheat on cncnet. Also on XWIS you dont hav lag but in cnc if you play in a match with 5 peoples for example and 2 or even 1 has a 3mb internet connection you will hav build stuttering and screen stuttering. I recommend hav a minium of 10 mb. I hav 6mb and im still stuttering a bit not rlly much. ALSO again if you use the first decade 1.03 patch maybe you will hav problems i dont rlly know but i seen peoples using it and no problems for now.
This is exactly the problem wich i hav too. The bottom part of the lobby wich has the ready/launch game button and the lock and persistent chat is out of range.
Yeah that will be a DPI issue, Rampastring is aware of this bug. Can you see if settings your windows DPI setting to 100% fixes that issue or not? Its already on 100%
Seems that this no longer works after the new update. EDIT: Problem fixed go download it again if you got problems.
WARGNING: New update broke the file, game is crashing now. Download at your own risk. EDIT: Problem fixed the file works. Download it again if you got problems lol.
Also i dont know if custom maps work cuz i cant see the change map button. Maybe its because i played using AI. If its true then i cant change the map when i play alone with Ai
Thanks for reporting this. Do custom maps work? Any crashes yet? The test version didn't crash or kaboomed but i had an error when i first started cnc normal not the test version.I dont remember exactly something like error code 2. It only happened one time then restarted cnc again and it worked normal. I also started again the test version then switch to the normal one to see if the error came again but it didn't. I attached the log file maybe you can find the error there i dont know other details cuz the error didn't happened again. cncnetclientlog.rar
If its still not working try using the method from this topic: http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=4323.0
Yuri revenge in 32bit mode and windowed too. Use the file below also make a backup of old one(if hav). Also try increasing the resolution Extract and put the ddraw.dll in the game directory. On first run it will create a ddraw.ini file I will update this as much as i can. Update 1: I fixed the resolution: Open ddraw.ini file after its created and modify: bpp=32 - not sure wat this does but it increased my fps on cncnet on 32 windowed=false -turning this to true will render a weird window maxfps=-1 -optional set how you want mhack=false - setting this to true make the mouse invisible for me renderer=gdi - do not set this to opengl or you get a black screen singlecpu=true - according to ddraw.ini wich says that had impact on performace i dont think its true but you could play with this and see if it good for you or not. Also you should note that every video will not render properly. Use this ddraw and see if its improving the performance also i recommend for peoples wich hav windows 10 to use this thanks to the renderer=gdi command wich maybe will fix the black screen. ddraw.rar
I hav updated my client via get updates button but i keep getting those 2 message and the violet one keeps sapmming not only one time. I tried press get updates again but nothing happens
here are some usefull hotkeys: http://ra.afraid.org/html/ra/hotkeys.html
Its the same as the old one wich i used but now that i used along with ddwrapper is some sort different.Its less laggy and survival maps dont crash anymore.But now i hav some stutters.So instead of lagging now im stuttering. Im stuttering even in 1vs1 maps but its better cuz in the past i lagged there so now its better stuttering than lag. Any other solutions, i dont rlly want to fix all the lag or stuttering (now) but only for a playable game cuz sometimes stutters take from 5 to 10 seconds.
Its possible that compatibility tab is disabled. Try mouse 2 on the click troubleshoot compatibility and then click try recommended settings.
yes i still hav it but now i use another ddraw.dll that came with the ddrwapper from here http://www.bitpatch.com/ddwrapper.html
I use Microsoft Security Essentials and it doesnt hav any quarantine or complex stuff but i added teh game folder to exceptions list. I hav disabled the firewall and its still lagging. i firewalled game.dat and every .exe file and cncnet client too and still lags. I even port forwared ports: 6667, 8054, 9001 udp only and is still lagging.
gamemdx64 is a special modification of the YR exe distributed with the TFD 1.03 patch: http://www.cncnz.com/hosted-projects/command-patch/the-first-decade-unofficial-patch/ And yes, kid, I do know RA2's .exe is called game.exe, perhaps I'd have known that after 14 years of playing RA2 and answering a bajillon support threads in the C&C community... -.-" 1.Try adding this to ra2.ini file above everything: [Video] AllowHiResModes=yes AllowVRAMSidebar=yes 2.make game.exe, ra2.exe and mph.exe windows xp sp3 compatibility and tick run as admin button too then try starting the game.Also make sure that you tried the first method with your monitor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2M9xOXxwK1g 3.If its still not wokring try again the method above but this time duplicate your monitor. 4.If stilll not working try changing your windows to 16bit mode and add " -win" witouth quotes to ra2 shortcut And sorry for telling you about that file but i tend to explain in very detail for most of people.
its 8 characters.Actually its the same as my profile name RedSigma
Yeah this is the fix I have used. the game loads up etc but will crash bout 5 mins into a game and will crash if I tab out of it to even try and adjust the cpu settings. might try a clean install and see what happens. o aye ment to mention I can play online through cncnet and it runs ok but im god awful at the game and would like to relearn it a little before I get owned everytime and end up throwing my laptop out the window lol Its interesting that you can play the game on cncnet. Try the following steps for me: 1. Launch the game and then minimize it while you are in the main menu.If it works try do this in skirmish panel and campaign selection panel.If it works both cases that means teh problem appear while in-game. 2.Launch the game and put all settings to lowest even the resolution to lowest and try playing a 8 skirmish match and see if its still crashing after 5 min.You are not supposed to play the whole mach only when you are in intensive battle. 3.If lowering the settings didn't work you could try reinstalling the game without cncnet.I heard it installs a patch but im not sure. 4.If all 3 steps didn't work, disable windows aero.If you dont know how open task manager and find a program called dwm.exe and force close it 2 times, then aero will be off (not sure if it will start again at next boot but you can enable it via services).After its close try playing the game withouth any other applications and with lowest settings but you can set your resolution to 800x600 if you want. If all steps ddin't work please post your specs: OS, ram , 32bit or 64bit, and videocard.ALSO very important after 5 minutes do the buildings explodes before it crash.
I know about the ra2 mode from yr. The problem is that yr lags on my pc when using cncnet. I hav 6mb internet and some peoples told me that is sufficient others tell me is very low and now im confused. Thats why i think its some kind of client bug and maybe ra2 will no hav this bug.
Seems that my problem is caused by my 6mb internet connections. Most people from here has an 120mb internet.
When will be red alert 2 for cncnet released. Any approximate release date/time.
To rapture_ni:Windows 7 64bit, 8/8.1 and 10 results in a black screen when launching. A fix for this is using: http://www.stuffhost.de/files/cnc/ Open the aqrit.cfg and change NoVideoMemory and forcedirectdrawemulation to 1.Do not change only one of them cuz it will result in black screen with sounds only. ------------------------------- To leposean: Please post your pc specs: OS, Ram etc. Also i experienced the freezes in campaign only. They are caused by the movies.mix files so you could try find some blank versions of them (This happened to me on Windows xp sp3 only). Also please tell if you encounter this problem in simple game or in cncnet. If its in cncnet please enable graphics patch from the settings and also download ddraw.dll file, i heard it fixes most of the problem with the cost of lag on pause menu.
This seems to work for YR, but not RA2 for some reason - mine doesn't even want to run! I'm not sure if I had gamemdx64 installed before, which would enable the game to run... Wat do you mean gamemdx64. YR is not a 32bit or 64bit. The file should be called gamemd.exe no x64 also please read carefuly the steps cuz for ra2 the file is called game.exe