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Everything posted by RedSigma

  1. try setting your resolution to 16 bit then launch the game again
  2. not sure if its a good idea since gattiling tanks are pretty cheap and they do their job very well. Id rather increase the time when slaves got respawned from miner when they are killed.
  3. If you always have high ping than you should upgrade your internet. If not than chose a server wich is close to your country don't ask me how you do that ask the host. Also the above comment is right pls inform before posting stupid things.
  4. Um. The 32-64 bit thing is completely and utterly unrelated to windowed mode. You're confusing it with the 16-bit colours thing. The first is CPU architecture. The second is colour depth. Completely unrelated. maybe is just my shitty pc running games faster in windowed mode. Btw im not sure if aero is already disabled in 16bit mode but it worths a try.
  5. well i tought maybe he had some other processes besides drivers, antivirus and system. Also i know that 32bit games work on 64bit but it was just an idea since for me the game is running much faster when is windowed.
  6. I only really play survival, its great! My computer is, well, a super computer! 16Gb of Ram, GeForce GTX 750 TIU, however, I've got a ssd as a boot driver and a slandered HDD where I install everything, including, Origin w/ Command and Conquer. Maybe that's my issue. EDIT - I dont have any mods installed, only other downloadable maps, Im running window 7 64 bit with a i7. i don't think orgin is the problem. I think its cuz you hav 64bit windows. Try setting your resolution to 16 bit and see if you can run the game then.I know on fullscreen it auto change to 16bit but it worths a try. You can also try to select only 1 affinity cpu in task manager. Its pretty strange why you get this error since you hav 16gb ram. Try opening RA2MD.ini go to [Video] section change this AllowVRAMSidebar=No to AllowVRAMSidebar=Yes In this way all items from queue bar from right will be rendered by gpu instead of cpu. This could give you a fps boost in case your gpu has good video memory and since you hav GeForce GTX 750 TIU i expect it has 2gb of video memory. Can you also see if you encounter this problem in a skirmish battle with 6 brutal ai.You can also you some cheats to simulate those mass of units from your screenshot. Please tell me if your game crashes too in skirmish if you hav alot of units or only if you hav a normal amount of them. Another idea is to download a pirated copy of the game like me, red alert 2 first then yuri revenge. Then install cncnet there also make sure you don't hav the game installed in windows partition cuz it can't modify some files sometimes even if you hav admin rights or you are admin it happened to me in the past. EDIT: i also noticed there are some peoples wich hav different problems related to the origion version so maybe you were right its origin fault
  7. For me this error appear only in survival maps where you need to fight like 10000 units.I also run the game in 800x600 resolution.
  8. this error is normal. IT happens for me too. according to your screenshot there are alot of units there. Normally this error happens only if you hav a bad pc or you hav mods installed. By bad i mean like 2gb of ram and 2.0ghz. I also encountered this error sometimes due to my crappy videocard even if i had good specs. Also pls tell if you hav any mods installed or if you hav the game installed in C:\ I also suppose this error happens if you are low on space in C:\ or any other background processes running. Is this problem happening on 1vs1 battles too.
  9. Hello What O/S are you running? Have you just installed CnCNet? If so the rendering of maps takes a few minutes This problem was present on the older version of cncnet. Normally is happening if the map is not loaded completely or is a bug with the "do not show spawn previews button" (wich is not working if you enable it).I also hav windows 7 but i think this is only a tunnel lag or something like this because it happened randomly for me. Do you encounter this problem everytime you go on a server?
  10. Is it possible to change the game's damage rate/price/build time and other things from rules file. In this way maybe cncnet team will release a update were yuri is not unbalanced. For example: Ufo- cost 2470 , boomers- cost 3000. Since i don't think if this is possbile i think maybe we could change the price of them only.
  11. Seems that this update is so ........... You cant revert back to the normal one you need to reinstall the whole game or you get rules incompatible everytime
  12. Seems that the client is fixed now im not sure if this is a problem or not but according to the screenshot it says there are 10 YR games on cncnet but when the client is starting is empty. Is this normal.
  13. RA2/YR cant handle multi-core because they(the games i mean) were build in 2001. They dont even hav support for multi-core. They require only a powerfull CPU. Even if you hav the best gpu the game will not use it unless you enable AllowVRAMSidebar=yes. In this case the sidebar and mouse will using gpu but not the game itself. Also if you hav lag in cncnet is not related to game is related to your internet speed.
  14. Ehmm... you should lock the topic if the problem is solved :|
  15. This explains a lot to me. Hope that day will come sooner
  16. Try one of this files from attachement until you found the one wich works good for you. Put it in your game directory and run cncnet. I use DDRAW 2 and is very good for me. ALSO DDRAW - wrapper create a .ini files with alot of settings. I recommend using it if you hav nvidia or ati. THIS HAPPENS when you run RA2/YR in 32bit mode :D :O http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=4331.0 TEAR_FIX.rar
  17. Do you hav problems with your graphic card or you don't like the game speed. I dont tihnk what do you want to say do you know other languages besides english maybe you don't know english or you are only one of those idiots wich makes stupid topics with random words.
  18. I suppose this guy know some skill and even that C++ is a difficult language it has its advantages too. Since i dont rlly know if red alert 2/YR/TS where created using C++ im not sure if its a good idea to create sometihng like this, but also is not impossible. I would like to create some kind of hack that injects in those games and maybe making them change the way how their engine works. The point is that even if is sound too much maybe you can make the game run in 32bit or make the game much smoother since more units means much RAM. Maybe you could add somekind of units/building cache wich will surely make the sidebar not lagging since this game is not a 10 gb game so making him loading all things from start will improve performace too. I like what Ares did with this game (YR/RA2) and i hope it will supports savegames too in the future. NOThing is impossible even that i don't know how to do this and i know that is very hard to create such a thing since i don't know anytihng about .dlls dissasembling and those stuff.
  19. I tested a trainer to make instant build in cncnet and it worked. But it actually had a positive impact and it affected every team. After like 40 seconds i got reconnection error. In conclusion even if trainers works you will be disconnected since other peoples will not sync with you and it will result in server dissconection
  20. Updater broke. "Get Updates" button no longer works i press it and nothing happens and sometimes the whole app frezze and i need to end process.
  21. Hello, It may be related to a long nickname, if your nick is more than 14 characters then the game will not load. I thought its 12 characters max not 14
  22. Playing the campaing via cncnet is a bit tricky but is possible. You need to upload a new map and that map is actually the first map from the campaign. Download the maps and add them in cncnet then go make a new game and select the allied mission or the soviet mission. Also you should edit the map with final alert cuz they dont hav a name and will not appear in cnc map selection. However even if it appears i tried using allied mission but no luck game is stuck at loading since it uses the singleplayer mode and only multiplayer maps are used in cncnet. The diference is that in singleplayer you hav waypons from 1 to 8 for player position and in singleplayer is more than 99 waypoints and player position is on waypoints 99 and 98 both (idk why). In conlcusion you cant select position 99 or 98 in cnc and this is why you cant play but maybe you can make something with the maps I saw that there are campaign modes in cncnet under coop. ra2_yr_campaigns.rar
  23. Hello again.I uploaded a map and its working. It was an .yrm file i put it in the custom folder and i didn't get any error on upload. Unfortunately i get error in-game. The good part is that is working maybe i got error in-game cuz its an .yrm file or maybe cuz it doesn't hav an image. Try save as an .map file and make sure you hav the image the png file along with it. I use Final Alert v.1 .02(unofficial update wich i heard it makes the editor detect mod files ecachemdxx.mix files)
  24. Try port forwarding and firewalling .dat file and cncnetclient too. Also you can try disabling your antivirus AND it would be great if you post some information (internet speed, antivirus wich you hav now and in the past)i dont know if its need but maybe it a temporary problem or maybe something is blocking the porgram.
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