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About kelliegator

  • Birthday 02/26/1990

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanks a bunch, lots of usefulness here. I still kinda feel like I'm not cut out for this RTS online play, though. Learning is difficult and I make myself look like an idiot online, I dunno what to do about that.
  2. I'm such a noob, I have no idea how people are able to build so much so quickly and I was doing alright with defense in one game as Nod until someone completely pwned me with a Ghost Stalker. I clearly still have lots to learn on RTSes. I want to go for Nod mostly but I get the impression their units and vehicles aren't quite as powerful as GDI. o_o
  3. Well, okay, it does in a way but not as it should. I'm talking about the wineskin wrapper that can be downloaded from CnCnet that contains Tiberian Dawn, Red Alert and Tiberian Sun. Starting up Tiberian Sun on the go works but when I try to change the resolution in the configuration the game runs really slow or just downright crashes, which is frustrating. I have a "fix" for this 'cause I have experience with Wineskin wrappers but it's not a desirable one, because for some reason changing the Mac Driver to Mac in winetricks, which is perfect for running Tiberian Sun, means that Tiberian Dawn won't run in the wrapper at all. Dawn only runs when the Driver is set to x11. So technically I can't run one game and then the other without doing a lot of tinkering with the app via wine tricks and some dll overrides, so that's kind of annoying. So is there another, easier fix to allow the Mac version of Tiberian sun to run on higher resolutions without slowdowns, that ALSO allows you to run Tiberian Dawn without having to change all the wineskin settings every time I want to switch between one or the other? Well, I was close to fixing this by... Setting the mac driver to x11. Setting DDR (directdrawrenderer) to GDI. Choosing ddwrapper and no video memory in the configuration. THE PROBLEM: Dreadful screen tearing that hurts your eyes when scrolling. Anyone know how to fix this?
  4. Thanks for the advice. Any good ways to practice? I get the impression playing skirmish against hard bots do more harm than good, they keep spamming and gang banging me. D:
  5. I'm a semi-newbie who played and loved a Tiberian Sun demo as a kid a little and I'd love to play the game more regularly, it's probably my favorite C&C of the ones I've tried. But I'm not used to RTSes, I'm just now re-learning the genre so I am a bit too scared to join any multiplayer servers and I seem to get my ass kicked when trying Skirmish or whatever. Some strategy guides would do the trick. Tutorial vids or extensive threads covering the best strategies for the game and such, since I know for sure this isn't Starcraft (which I'm also just now learning). My main problem when playing skirmish alone is that the enemy always gets to my base before I have enough units, dunno if it's because I'm playing on hard mode or what. But yeah, I'd love to jump into Tiberian Sun. I hope my own input on what we could need is helpful to you guys.
  6. Well, I'm a bit of an audiophile so I want the higher quality.
  7. I find myself wondering if it's okay to extract the music from there but that might not even be legal or a cool thing to do. :X
  8. I'm just recently getting into C&C after some nostalgia of briefly playing the series in my childhood, and one of the big nostalgic things for me is the music. And some of the music is really damn good. BUT, for some reason, which I remember asking about briefly in another thread, most soundtrack collections, including the OFFICIAL SOUNDTRACK CDs, don't have all the music. And it's especially frustrating when some of the best songs are left out of the official CDs (like the Tiberian Sun Firestorm expansion pack music, along with my favorite from that game, Nod Crush). I'd love it if there was some place to download these songs that aren't on the CDs but I dunno if that's even possible or if they'll be in any satisfactory quality or just 16 bit mono or whatever. Anyone know where the rest of the music can be found in a downloadable state, if it's even doable at all? And if it somehow breaks forums rules because of piracy, well, sorry. You can disregard this then.
  9. My suggestion would be to use our Mac download for RA/TS, change the wine engine version to match mentioned in this topic and install net 3.5 http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=4719.0 Otherwise you could revert to Crossover - that works out of the box pretty much. Turns out all I needed to do was install dotnet20sp2, which I didn't know I could do since usually when you install older dotnet versions you get error messages. I guess this is a lesson for other Wine users, INSTALL dotnet20sp2. It's crucial. Well, there's a slight visual error where letters are like, squeezed together or however to describe it, that makes it hard to read stuff. Here's a screenshot:
  10. I have a bit of a challenge here, it's running Yuri's Revenge CnCnet on Mac via wineskin, which is the software CnCnet usually uses to make wrappers for Mac versions if I'm not mistaken. One potential obstacle is that I'm using the origin version, but I downloaded the game from PaulTheHall and tinkered with the wrapper 'cause CnCnet wouldn't start. I've tried installing .net 3.5 or later, the only difference is that this time I got an error message, I'll attach the client.log file here. The really odd part is that I've been able to play the singleplayer of RA2 just fine so I dunno why CnC net is a problem. I dunno if anyone will figure it, just checking. Have a look at the file and make your own judgements, I guess. client.log
  11. I'm kind of a noob to this franchise (haven't tried playing C&C since I was a kid), but why are some of the tracks there not available to buy on iTunes? Heck, I can't find downloads of all 38 tracks that I can listen to anywhere, am I just dumb or looking in the wrong places? Because some of those tracks, like "Demolition" are great but I can barely find them available for download anywhere. This has me really confused.
  12. Hello, hello. Out of curiosity I was intrigued to try the old C&C games that I haven't played since I was a kid and it was nice to know they were freeware, and that they have some ports here and there. Tiberian Sun was the one I thought looked really cool as a kid so that's the one I wanted to try again. The singleplayer beta here is only for Windows, though. But I figured, I've made some successful wrappers of other games with Wineskin and decided to try the same thing here. At first the game was really slow with scrolling but with some trial and error I figured out how to run the game at proper speed. - Set Mac Driver to Mac, both in Screen Options and Winetricks. - Set ddraw renderer to GDI in Winetricks. - In the config utility (winecfg), go to library, add "ddraw" (no quotation marks), edit to "(native, builtin)" if it's not already set. - In the Tiberian Sun launcher, go to options and choose TS-DDraw under the Rendering Options. So far so good. The game runs smoothly, mostly... but it crashes randomly, and that's the part I'm trying to overcome and hope I can get some help on. So why did I do this? There are some ports to get of Tiberian Sun via the Porting Kit or in the Winetricks list of games on Wineskin, but the former only supported very low resolutions while the latter gave me an error I couldn't find a way out of. I guess that nothing stops me from playing ported versions of Tiberian Sun that already exist but like I said, older versions without lower resolutions. So, any tips or ideas on how this can be fixed? I'm no expert but I feel like I've gotten so close to get the TS singleplayer beta from this site to work on Mac, with crashes being the only obstacles. If any of you guys know anything I'd like hearing about it. I haven't really tried the multiplayer-only version for comparison properly because, well, I haven't played C&C in almost 20 years now and would just lose, just so you know. Looking forward to your advice! And if you have questions I'll do my best to answer them.
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