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Everything posted by Alpaca

  1. Bridges Too Far 4 v6 added (Edit by me, original map by: parasite02 and mega) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-WN7YQ0EhV6MG5HaHAzQ0IxVEU
  2. ww5 v1.2 added ww5 v1.3 (cannons for team b) added ww5 v2.0 added (few changes no given cannons) ww X v3 added ww X v4 added survival skynet v2 added here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-WN7YQ0EhV6MG5HaHAzQ0IxVEU
  3. + World War X map added (v2.5, working proper version) + WW5 8player 1.2 (normal) added +WW5 8 player v1.3 added (cannon&flak support for right island spot 2-3) ( ww5 isnt my (created) map, i just edited it) Cnc servers/client went full retard and some of my new maps caused crash because of servers/client. now Im testing my maps. Im adding only tested working maps to googledrive. here is tested working maps: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-WN7YQ0EhV6MG5HaHAzQ0IxVEU
  4. Hi. We got problems when we play online this map. (actually few my new maps too) But it works fine offline play with ai. It has no trigger/task stuff. So whats the problem here? Client? Server? Map is on attachment here:
  5. Sometimes game crashes when a Nuclear reactor blows up. Is this happens because it was civillian at first place or its unrevalant? Why it happens?
  6. Alpaca

    client PM's

    Hi. Could client makers add "pop-up private messages" (when in desktop) or "colored taskbar icon when pm recieved" option for next update? Thanks.
  7. Alpaca

    Nick lenght

    Oh limit is 12 .. thanks.
  8. Alpaca

    Nick lenght

    Hey. Can u guys (client makers) make the nicks lenght up to 15 or 20 characters please?
  9. +31/12/2016 update: I edited brilliant Worldwar5 map. fixed spot 2 bridge, now up to 8 players, (2v2, 3v3, 4v4, 2v2v2v22^^) more ore for 8players. and Doomsday map infinite money version added, 1.8 normal version added. Happy new year ^^
  10. Im glad u liked it. Thanks for feedback it keeps me making new maps. Yes its hard Make sure u r playing latest version. Current version is on attachment: -survival- skynet enhanced v1.51 alpaca hard_4pl -devrimg production -cdgenc-.map
  11. New vs map DoomsDay added at first msg of topic. Its similar to cool "World War 5" map but this is bigger and up to 8 players. Full symmetrical balanced.
  12. I played maps called "defend the president" and "defend the liberty" but no water on these. You taking about different map then. :'(
  13. Thanks! I will use these map's triggers as template for my Skynet maps so Ill see if it works, ai is good or still bad.
  14. +08/10/2016 update: New Survival Map Skynet Enhanced. (Its upgrade from original skynet survival) Added seperately to first message of topic. 4players and 7players version is there. Yes, its hard. Elite MF'ers.
  15. Hi. I played lots of survival maps. Almost all of them (including mine) has retard AI. AI picks spesific units ant goes for it. Doesnt shoot anything else in the way. Just walks passes and goes for one specific unit. But some (rare...) maps has smart AI. AI atttacks which unit is nearst in those maps. for example [survival]Fortress 3.0 NoAir by Genx. Do you know any other maps which has smart AI? Please write their names or better upload as attachment. ^^ Question2: Do any of you know how to disable "no air" thing in GenX's Survival map?
  16. Alpaca

    upload file issue

    I found the problem. Zipfile limit is 1 MB...
  17. +01/10/2016 update. Added new vs and survival maps: the world is yours, naval anger and survival (simple beta) skynet 3 revelations. +All VS maps has normal versions and infinite money versions on map pack. You must sell a building for infinite money in that versions. Download attachment is at first message entry
  18. Alpaca

    upload file issue

    I deleted the old pack and 4 seperate upload. still cant uplad a 2mb zip file :/ external sites deletes files after 30 days no dl.
  19. Alpaca

    upload file issue

    I will delete old pack to see if i get space thanks.
  20. Alpaca

    upload file issue

    this is the error i get? 413 Request Entity Too Large
  21. Alpaca

    upload file issue

    im trying to upload my map pack. it has like 15 maps and total 2mb. error says "file entity too large" or similar thing. halp? it is zip file. my previous map pack uploaded no problem but this one cant. :/
  22. Yes they are not seem like regular maps ^^
  23. Im gettin "your survival map is impossible to beat bug sh!t map" "error. " ^v^ No its not impossible. Just hard. Not even hardcore. Try hard. Spoilers / Hints: Announcement says: sell a building for infinite money. that is good advice. Using Yuri units highly recommended. Idk if u can make it without yuris. Make 30 desos at beginning. Then make 4536867 yuris & 345779 Anti air. Thats it. Oh. Are those 30 elite kirovs & prisms? Yes. "Is that shiny thing your base? Good. Thats mine now."
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