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Everything posted by Alpaca
Thanks for testing it! Problem is ai units mostly still attacks to specific one target. sometimes attacks nearby as I wanted but sometimes and there is no pattern I caught.. And when AI decide to ALL IN to specific target, it is mostly SPYSAT or main conyard. sometimes most ranked unit or airport lol.. Idk why :/
1) Thanks! I tried the map. Its not fixed Here is updated version with patrol thing: -survival- skynet enhanced v3.93 alpaca hard_4p.map 2) Oh u changed map author info, cool. can u tell me where? 3) yosef if map has bad TRIGGER it causes error. (for example, bad waypoints, wrong defined things etc) IF it happens at very start u look for primary belongings, if it errors durings waves then trigger error.
says folder doesnt exisat The folder ‘/Skynet’ doesn’t exist.
Thanks! New Map added: -VS- WW5 -Alpaca.edit.v7 -World War 5 --8 players (6 and 4 plyrs version also exist) Download all maps with one click: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-WN7YQ0EhV6MG5HaHAzQ0IxVEU Removed hospital, center nuke, added centrer oil, flags, presidents, animals. Has spysats, more ore pile than original ww5. Top left island can be simply called: Polar bottom left is: monkey Top right is: Cow Bottom right is: Alligator :
Thanks. I guess I tried that patrol script before but Im not %100 sure, I tried lots of thing.. My survival map is here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1OnL9xVwqZYsoqTaM6rmf_QM9_A0py5Nu Ill be glad if u can check it out. Could u please fix first "conscript" attack WT001a, WT001b, c,d .... and one tank wave WT003a, WT003b, c,d Ill do rest Thanks!
.......................double post....
For those who dont know my maps: Im creating new symmetric maps that can be use at tournaments as officials. And Im also editing most cool custom maps for making those even better. Try these you will like it! Added new map: -VS- Lake of Fire -by Alpaca v1.3 And updated first message of topic for better rendered images of all my maps:. check it out: https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/4051-alpacas-survival-and-vs-maps-collection/ Download all maps with one click: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-WN7YQ0EhV6MG5HaHAzQ0IxVEU
Hi. Im trying to use cnc map rendere in cnc folder but it fails like this: Is there any way to use it or do anyone got proper renderer. I had but i cant find it now.
New map added: -vs- apocalypse map_by alpaca v1.3 all of maps are at here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-WN7YQ0EhV6MG5HaHAzQ0IxVEU
Hi. good maps! I played ??stompcomp map it was fun and mostly ok ai attack. I have a problem with making AI hard. AI is focusing one target on my map. I tried lots of things but still it has the problem... I want to AI attack always nearest enemy. Do you / anyone know to how to fix it?
-survival- skynet enhanced v3 alpaca hard_4p added. little harder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-WN7YQ0EhV6MG5HaHAzQ0IxVEU
Its right there. alphabetical. -vs-redzon..... u can see on this folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-WN7YQ0EhV6MG5HaHAzQ0IxVEU
New VS maps added -vs- redzones alpaca edit v3 mapby.yosef.anan -sell for money + -vs- redzones NAVAL alpaca edit v3 mapby.yosef.anan -sell for money https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-WN7YQ0EhV6MG5HaHAzQ0IxVEU
Here is a video for how to beat (Hard) Skynet Enhanced Survival map: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lwPHH0QB5E Warning: Play the map with your friends before watch this video because spoilers. ^^ Map is in this folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-WN7YQ0EhV6MG5HaHAzQ0IxVEU Njoy
New VS map added -vs- battle of tanks & ships - alpaca edit.v1.2 mapby.yosef anan all in one map pack:
cool info!
New VS map added -vs- venice -alpaca- roman empire war - v1.1 all here map pack: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-WN7YQ0EhV6MG5HaHAzQ0IxVEU
-vs- world war 5 ww5 -alpaca.edit- v5 4players -vs- world war 5 ww5 -alpaca.edit- v5 6players -vs- world war 5 ww5 -alpaca.edit- v5 8players versions added https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-WN7YQ0EhV6MG5HaHAzQ0IxVEU
Few maps added: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-WN7YQ0EhV6MG5HaHAzQ0IxVEU -vs- wwx- world war x -alpaca- v4.jpg -vs- the world is yours - sell a building for infinite money v2- alpaca.jpg -vs- all about world war 3 iii - alpaca v4 sell a building for infinite money.jpg -vs- naval anger alpaca v2 sell a building for infinite money.jpg -survival-skynet reloaded alpaca v2 easy_7pl-.jpg
VS-Protect the flag map added (original map by yosef anan. I removed nuke sciript and edited some) -vs- protect the flag editby.alpaca v3 mapby.yosef anan https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-WN7YQ0EhV6MG5HaHAzQ0IxVEU
It still happens sometimes. Recon error happnens. IS there any way to disconnect/kick the player instead of having recon errors?