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Everything posted by KillerGR

  1. Hi every one Are you there ! any one miss me ! Life is a game, Play smart
  2. Hello every one any one can tell me where can i download Yuri's ravage Free support CNC NET i am back! just buy new computer want to play ? Killer-GR
  3. Hello, any one tell me how to download Yuri's ravage support cnc, file
  4. For me KillerGR , the first i know him is in in server GameRanger. i have been learn more skill to play about this Yuri and Ra2 i used to vs him more game... but he always win me 85% i always lost him miss him too, i am very sorrow that saw news like this RIP
  5. i want to say miss all friends E10= EAZEMEE Hamid Boris Wind1337 Cr@sh T99 T98 JC=WOW and more....?‍?‍?
  6. Hello every one why play Soviet why on SW cant'build modern yard please tell link free download Yuri to me From KillerGR
  7. Hello every one any one miss me ! KillerGR come Back! to play Yuri's Revage online with you please dotn' call me noob again!
  8. KillerGR

    Record video GAme

    man i used window 10? How to record it ?
  9. KillerGR

    Record video GAme

    How can i record video game mood while i used Bandicam and Camtasiastudio can't record video, it only record Client cnc ? Please tell me how to record video game !
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