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Everything posted by Antares

  1. Hi guys, I didn't play Red Alert 2 since a year now because of personal reasons. And I have lost all of my maps. Could someone help me by uploading some of my maps? I'm looking for a specific map, which is: Antares Mission 3 It would be nice if someone could help me out. Thanks in advance //Antares
  2. Hi guys, Just finished a new map. Please try the map and give me some feedback. //Antares Download link: Click here! Antares_Mission_6.zip
  3. Ziiip; Would you like to review some of my maps? Would like to have some advice from a experienced map maker.
  4. Cheaters could upload the maps. But people could flag/report the map if they detect cheating
  5. I can translate Dutch, Swedish and German. Let me know if you need some help
  6. Keep the client simple and clean. Doesn't add anything worth to the game. Just a lot of work for the people to build it. It would be better to build in a pacman or ''pong'' mini game in the lobby. To reduce the boringness while waiting for players to join.
  7. I'm back. My internet was down for a month because... glassfiber! :laugh: Link should be running by now, bandwidth limit was exceed. I didn't make all of the maps by my self. only a few.. 10 maps or so. And some maps which I customized a bit from other map creators. @ Rampastring: I guess you are one of the creators of the cncnet client? Maybe its possible to load the maps from a central cloud? instead of a desktop. This way you could also have an eye on cheaters and you can centralize all of the yuri's revenge maps.
  8. I fixed this issue of YR I will post a small tutorial later in the evening.
  9. Just compressed the file to 352MB
  10. I meant a limit for each map, for every player, per unit. Like max 10 rocketeers Max 3 discs, Max 3 kirovs. It lags a lot if people keep building air units. And it makes the game too easy.
  11. Hi guys, Just hosted a webpage to upload all of my YR custom maps. Around 3000+ if i'm correct. Free to download. Until the limit for download is reached. I think the limt its around 100GB, and the file is around 1,8 GB. Couldn't compress it more. So around 55 people can download it now. Going to make a torrent later. The download page: http://www.the-real-antares.com
  12. Hi guys, Tried the search option. Found some threads about it but without answers. Is there a way to limit the units that you can build in a game? Like this: Name=Name:Sargardan War Wagon Weight=3.5 Crusher=yes Primary=ElectricBoltE Soylent=2000 Category=AFV DieSound=GenVehicleDie IsTilter=yes PipScale=Passengers Strength=5000 Explosion=TWLT070,S_BANG48,S_BRNL58,S_CLSN58,S_TUMU60 Locomotor={4A582741-9839-11d1-B709-00A024DDAFD1} Maxdebris=3 MoveSound=BattleFortressMoveStart Secondary=OPCoilBolt SizeLimit=15 TechLevel=10 VoiceMove=BattleFortressMove BuildLimit=1 OpenTopped=yes Passengers=50 UseOwnName=true Accelerates=false CrateGoodie=yes OmniCrusher=yes ThreatPosed=40 VoiceAttack=BattleFortressAttackCommand VoiceSelect=BattleFortressSelect I found this part in a .yrm file. But i wonder if there is a easier way to see to change all of the units instead of typing this list. Thanks.
  13. Hi guys, I made a survival map. Anyone willing to try this map? Its 4 vs AI. Best way to play is 4x russia/teamA vs 1x yuri/teamB. Objective 1: Get to waypoint B without being killed. Objective 2: Capture barracks Objective 3: Capture war factory Objective 4: Destroy the Paris Towers Objective 5: Destroy all of the remaining units and buildings. I played it yesterday and made it until the end in about 1,5 hours. Let me know if you like it or not. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B__bNj2hiH-wSlBVVG5razN2TzA
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