Again, most of these units are useful if you use them correctly.
Just because units have a function doesn't give any indication of whether they are good or bad, tell me a tournament where these units are built and have them do well.
Tesla Troopers - Get kited, do no dmg in other words, get rekt by cons, Gi, inits for 500$
Brutes - ditto
Demo Trucks - only good with IC
Tesla Tanks - worse range and durability and require radar, they take 1-2 shots before they can attack
Terrorists - Why not build an Engi and take out a key structure for cheaper, or CI's
Tank Destroyers - bad range, speed and turn rate, easily out maneuvered and cant hit anything on slope terrain
Destroyers - do no land damage, and osprey get shot down before doing anything
Apocalypse - slow, wrecked by other factions late game, only good for IC, Rhinos are just better
Why on Earth would you build Tesla Troopers when Desolators cost 100$ more, self heal, more health, have better range, similiar DPS vs Tanks and thats not even including their Deploy weapon.