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Everything posted by Asmodbr

  1. Other thing, U said about renew all the things, with all the people. I asking this because would like to know when CRUSH-TA will be unmuted, I know sometimes he have a hot temperament. but I love our fights. Always was a good oponnent and the fight after game was amazing. its alot fun.
  2. Hi photon, First of all, would like to congratulations to you, good initiative. I see the comunity growing since 2005 when started, and this is nice. But to take next level of game, should improve somethings in my opinion, like: - do a loggin with a profile of member, to make sure the players dont change name. - do some rules to avoid easy smurf, new acounts should win 50 games againt IA, to play with other players for example. - try a way to make division based on hability of players. this I think would be the begginin, for a upgrade in the community. Thanks by asmodbr, and when free call me on discord to atlk about other things.
  3. Hi guys, I NEED HELP. a few day trying solve this problem but nothing at google fixed it. 1 - The game works normal a day ago. 2- The RA1MPLauncher, works normal and I can chat with people everything works, i can pick a room get team all things work. 3 when the match will start and load the ra95-spawn, just loading it,, untill I click on scream and appear white screen. so clic again and get message from windows -"Verify solution and closed program" - close program - wait program answer and detaisl of problem: apphangb1 Assinatura do problema: Nome do Evento de Problema: AppHangB1 Nome do aplicativo: ra95-spawn.exe Versão do Aplicativo: Carimbo de Data/Hora do Aplicativo: 598d86f7 Assinatura com Falha: 565f Tipo com Falha: 16384 Versão do sistema operacional: 6.1.7601. Identificação da Localidade: 1046 Assinatura Adicional com Falha 1: 565f94eb920762d94d29d4867d568a78 Assinatura Adicional com Falha 2: 817e Assinatura Adicional com Falha 3: 817e6cf011120885db9ca557a7779c05 Assinatura Adicional com Falha 4: 549c Assinatura Adicional com Falha 5: 549c306cda7a53dc2d153d2b00a8c588 Assinatura Adicional com Falha 6: cbec Assinatura Adicional com Falha 7: cbecfb4fb215b66ba5d822453cc547d8 apphangb1 error.bmp
  4. HI commanders. Im very happy to be here to report that players UFF-GTR - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BU0WVB5Ugzc&feature=youtu.be UFF-Ak47- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXRKpX4OdC0&feature=youtu.be They passed the gold medal chalenge with UFF-Fury and Me by spec. See the videos and logs, and please as soon as possible update medals. thanks
  5. Hi guys, good afternoon Here asmod, I watched too the player UFF-Fury Passed gold medal just see logs in the same hour of maty saw him too. Thanks.
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