Ex TS player from back in the days, I never realised it's been over 17 years since I played this game when it first came out. Where did the time go
It's going to take a while to read through everything but I thought i'd at least comment on some of the guides. Firstly hats off for writing up those guides, it certainly jogged my memory on a lot of aspects within the game i'd long forgotten. I wouldn't even want to think about how long it would take of in game time to relearn all those long forgetten little secrets on top of micro/macro skills.
1 or 2 things not mentioned which i do remember
So in the mole40k guide that i looked through, it seemed to say that the Cyborg for Nod was just a scout and was all in all a shite unit. That's actually so far from the truth in terms of ranked play back in the days. Depending on the time of the month you could cyborg rush your way into the top 50 quite easily. I would hardly call that a crap unit, if anything an incredibly deadly early game unit. Mid game/late game it would be a useful harrass (send it off to kill enemy harvesters late game) or even multi pronged attacks (nukes, chem nukes, banshee and cyborg hitting 4 different locations at the same time!!!). Fun times back then so I take umbridge on that faithful war dog of a unit for Nod
Also it was mentioned to use silos/power plants when expanding across maps to tib fields. Again back in the day I never did that, I would just build extra refinaries along the way to the new fields so i'm gaining more harvesters whilst at the same time increasing my tib storage capacity. hp of a ref was far in excess of silos so it left you vunerable to cheap hits which could cost you huge sums of money that will lose you the game if you go into late game. I know if I saw silos being used as stepping stones then I would always target those first.