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  1. smash the fake news media
  2. Find Newbs -> Train them !!! Atleast show them a few tactics to build up the base in the correct order you not even make more ppl play the game but you also find new friends just stop acting like a lvl 80 Paladin who is ignorant to lvl 5 players in Goldshire
  3. damn there are so many... for me its kinda dependent on the sitation im in ... if its a long game tracks like What Lurks, Time Bomb or Lone Trooper (expecally the part at 2:36)are very nice to listen to for shorter games Killing Machine or Hacker are perfect^^ Im going to vote for LoneTroop and Hacker
  4. I have to mention, the part when the Music changes from its "basic form" I dont like it at all ... and when I listen to it I can not create a philosophy behind it... i think its just some experimental stuff by the composer. Basicly I wanted to replace it with a dubstep like beat ... But in this case the bassline just does not rly match... and after 2 weeks working on it i rly got tired of that song lol so i thought it was time to release it^^ anyway thx
  5. about that Remix I've made https://youtu.be/2Pa4OOwxlkA Tiberian Sun Soundtrack Hacker Remake / Remix Enjoy and thanks.
  6. in case you weren't in my lobby yet to play it I present to you the Map Chaos Land Spectral Laser Fences I've made a little Trailer for the Map, everything will be explained: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1DjEaSIw7E HF playing it I will upload 2 Versions, 1 without Veins and 1 with Veins Chaos Land Spectral.rar
  7. Found this blue colored Color Patch on my PC to choose more colors in the multiplayer but it does not work D: Mabe anyone got some advice to get that thing running on cncnet ts-version?^^ Are you going to add more colors sooner or later? Would be great ... I think it should run if ppl are using good PCs I will upload the color patch if needed
  8. Who do you mean by saying "the real Germans" o_0
  9. If you watch to this screenshot you will see that Tiberian Sun OST Music has a socalled EQ-Cut at 10khz. According to that fact the Soundtrack Music will never sound like "High-Quality" Stuff there is out today. Another fact is that the Music is made in "16-bit" Modus ... todays Music is made with 24bit Technology - thats also a big difference. The Stereo-Width can also be a factor its sounds so "low-quality like".
  10. Hallo, I wonder if there is anyone who can tell me, if some Tiberian Sun Music Samples or VST Presets for the NI Massive or Xfer Serum VST exist to create some Tiberian Sun like music. Greetings
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