I'm currently trying to create a map and have problems running it with the desired triggers. After updating Final Sun it's new that the triggers not only don't work, but cause an exception when loading the game with my map in multiplayer (skirmish or online).
It only happens on the map I created myself, and only when I use a "change house" trigger on a neutral gdi -tower. As long as the building does not have the trigger, the game does not crash. With both the building and the trigger in the map, but not using the trigger, everything works fine - but as soon as I edit the building to use the tag, it does not load any more. What can I do against that (aside from not using triggers)? How can I debug such exceptions?
See the attached except.txt, spawn.ini and spawnmap.ini for details, I'll happily provide further info - what do you need to help me?
Edit: Further tests show that a map reaveal trigger does not work either, but at least will not crash the game.
Switching the event of the "14 change house" trigger from " 8 any event" to "13 elapsed time" only helps for a second, but then crashes too. The time to crash does not increase with greater values for the elapsed time parameter (tried 2, 5, 10 and 30).
Using houses in the mp map as described here works. I don't like the solution though, since the players owning stuff are mandatory that way (crash if their slot is not used). Or will I encouter the same problem with a trigger giving stuff to a non-existant player?