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Everything posted by RisingDeadMan0

  1. nevermind worked 4th time. all good to go. now just need to work out a good resolution to play at on a 12.3inch screen (Surface pro)
  2. ignore thanks will delete when i work out how to. question is above me is what i mean. patch happens but launcher never closes so game doesn't re-open
  3. i think above is trying to say be grateful you can even run the game with servers and it is a work in process. Never worked for me either before which is a shame would be a nice feature to have but at least we can play online. Maybe something for them to work on in the future
  4. RisingDeadMan0

    Set up

    Okay so everything works and played the orignal version of the game for the first time in 8 years or so. But trying to get the CNCnet to work it doesnt seem to want to. it updates the patch for the first time on this computer and that black launcher box is supposed to close but instead it doesnt so then the game never re-opens but the sound is running in the background still and to close that i need the task manager. usually when a patch installs the box closes and the game opens fine but first time on this one it didnt which sucks
  5. RisingDeadMan0

    Set up

    So bought the game off Origins and downloaded it. Then ran the cncnet it went all the way to the set up screen and to installing the patch which seemed to work. then it wont quite open and so many short cuts to the game not sure which is the cncnet version either. has worked for me before for different versions of the game.
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