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Everything posted by MrSeagull

  1. This I would not want to see changed at all: Resources - Tirberium and Ore being on the ground, gathered by harvesters, with terrain objects that spawn resources around them (ore mine/tib tree). I don't care for the resource nodes from RA3, or the lack of resources from C&C4. Base Building - The method of grid-based base building pleased my OCD-like mind, but I was okay with C&C3, so long as we don't have base size restrictions. Single Player Campaigns - The campaigns of all the titles up to C&C3:KW are precious to me, even as campy as they are at times. I would very much prefer to see them not excluded - cut-scenes and all. Music - If you can get higher quality audio, great, but I would prefer the original scores not be changed or removed. New music is fine. The INI files / modding - the ability to change the INI files added a giant layer of replay-ability to the older games. Being able to easily mod the game is a HUGE plus for me. Map making: Even if we need to use 3rd party applications, I want to be able to create maps with full scripting functions. This I would be okay with changing: Interface - I'm okay with the interface of C&C3:KW, but the system of each building having a separate queue probably would be a balancing concern with the older titles. I'd be okay with keeping the single queue system with building speeds increased with multiple structures from the older titles. Designing unique structures for each faction: Some of the older titles had structures that were the same no matter what side you were on. For instance, MCVs, refineries, harvesters, power plants, etc. I would actually prefer if each side had a unique structures, even if they aren't visually different. Map making / modding was a bit of a pain when dealing with the shared structures and building requirements (I.E. War factories in RA1). Quality of Life changes: Things like building walls in sections (C&C:TS, RA2) instead of piece by piece, build queues for units and infantry, ability to power down structures (C&C:TS), select all units / select all type units.
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