He was an outspoken, entertaining guy, who gave great fun to games by his shittalk, but also, sometimes talked too much . I remember how we played one TD game, and he wanted to finally get me sooooo badly - he just waited for me to do what i always do: Wreck anyone. While i did that, he calmly built up his base and army. He knew the 3vs1 shit wouldnt work on me this time, so he started to lower the game speed to a point where i get nuclear. Then he attacks me when i had to deal with someone else, and gets my cy with an engineer. He was all happy and that kind of stuff; trolling me with shittalk. In the end, i was left with helipads for Orcas only. But then i started mowing him down, harv after harv with my Orcas, which became 20 to the end; and he lost his army to mine. He got economically crippled and didnt know what to do. So he dced the game. After that, i onloaded my anger saying "YES I DID IT DESPITE 3vs1, LOW SHIT SPEED (LAG USAGE) AND BUGS I R**ED YOU"... and he laughed his ass off trolling me even after with phrases like "you are the king but have orcas only" "where was your cy". That was a special game... .
He was much better in TS than in TD, that was his real business. Was always fun to arnold him . Here is one vid of him vs me:
May you rest in peace, F.Mammy, may the Lord, the objective love itself, in his eternal gratitude find you the best thing, you can have.